Chapter I

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(This is the bit when Sensei Wu is crashing through time into the future with Crux and Acronix)
The light stopped flashing. The straw hat floated down onto the light grass. Sensei Wu staggered up.
"Hello? Acronix? Crux?" He looked around. The Iron Doom was gone. "They must have left me here, probably thinking I was dead." He thought. He began strolling down the path that seemed to lead to a city. "When am I?" He though, as he looked at the new fashions and everything. There weren't many people but the city was still buzzing with noise.
"Buy some biscuits! To help raise money for educa....tion." The voice trailed off as no one stoped to buy anything. Sensei looked at where it was coming from.
          A young girl of about in her late teens was waving a sign. Her friend next to her just sighed.
"Just give up, Iggi, no one buys this type of food anymore. It's all made in the new Borg Industries. Sometimes I just wish Grandpa would stop making such cool inventions." said the friend.
"No Ross, we are staying. Our parents left us in care of Ray and Kristi." said the girl with the sign.
"Ignis Walker, you father specifically said to look after your younger brother and cousin. And to do that we'll need to get a more.....effective manner to sort this out." she said.
"Come on, Rosalie, you father said that the easiest way is the best way." argued Ignis.
"No, he said the SIMPLEST way was the best. You are so much like Jay." sighed Rosalie.
          Sensei walked up. "I would like some biscuits, if it would help." he asked. He paused for a moment. "I am from a far place, I am not sure though if my money is compatible with yours."
"Well, what type of money do you have?" Ignis asked kindly. Sensei Wu showed her the Ninjago currency he was familiar with. "What? What century do you live in? This is like the old school stuff Master Lloyd keeps speaking of. Here, we use a more technical way. With these!" Ignis lifted up a card. "It's called a credit card. It's got like money inside it but it's actually just numbers." But Sensei Wu wasn't interested in the credit card.
"Wait what did you say before? You, Master something?" He asked.
"Um, what, Master Lloyd? Yeah he saved Ninjago loads of times with our parents! He's a master now, and he's like the Sensei of the city!" exclaimed Rosalie.
"Can I talked to him? And possibly your parents too?" Sensei asked. A future version of the Ninja was better than nothing!
"Um, well, not really. A week ago my uncle said to take care of Kristi, that's my cousin, and then my dad told me to take care of Ray, who's my little brother. So I did, because you know, they're pretty busy sometimes. But then all the ninja disappeared. Including Cole and Lloyd, and Aunt Skylor and all of that team!" explained Ignis.
Sensei sat down with them. "So, who are your parents?" he asked.
Ignis was about to answer when Rosalie stopped her. "Wait, why should we tell you? We don't even know you." Rosalie said cautiously.
Sensei Wu nodded. "Well, what if I told you that I am from the past?"
"That would be so cool!" exclaimed Ignis.
"Well, you may have heard of me. I am Sensei Wu, uncle of Lloyd Garamadon. Your parents, or the ninja, have been having some time traveling issues. Now, since we are in the future, maybe you could tell me what happened?" asked Sensei Wu introducing himself.
"Okay, but first we have to pick up Kristi and Ray from their school."
          They got into the flying car. Rosalie plugged a cord into her head. Sensei looked at her.
"I'm assuming your the descendent of Zane?" He asked.
She nodded. "Yeah. Well, technically my grandfather, Cyrus Borg made me, but Pixal and Zane designed me and all that."
Ignis was quiet the whole way.

The kindergarten was busy.
"Kristi!" called Rosalie. A small girl with busy ginger hair came up.
"Hello Rosy!" she squeaked as she passed Ignis her bag and started to walk to the car.
         As they got in she noticed Sensei Wu.
"Who's that?" she asked.
"That's Lloyds uncle? You know, the legendary Sensei Wu?" reminded Rosalie as she plugged the cord in again.
"But isn't he-" but Ignis interrupted her.
"Wait, if your from the past, where's the Iron Doom?" she asked.
"I'm assuming you know the whole story?" he responded.
"Yes. We'll tell you the story after we pick up Ray from school." said Rosalie as they approached the school.

I hope you've enjoyed it so far. There will be updates, but if there are non, than it's because of my busy homework schedule. :)

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