Chapter VI

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The temple had never been this busy. Misako had passed some tea to the guests and some lemonade to Kristi and Ray.
"So Acronix and Crux are now in this time, the right time, but we've got another problem." Sensei finished explaining.
Lloyd put down his cup. "So were back with our primary mission, to retrieve the time blades as soon as possible."
"Take as long as you want, master Lloyd, this is fun!" Kristi giggled. She was playing with Kai's hair. "Moms right, your hair is ridiculous!" Kai just huffed.
"My question though is how Ignis has three elements. Isn't that basically impossible?" asked Misako.
Ignis shrugged. "My hypothesis upon this unusual.... case is that it's been all muddled up because of the time blades. I mean, all in our time everything started to get weird, like, all of our parents disappeared, the sky keeps getting multicoloured zaps and sparks, also random....other stuff." She stopped. "You know, you can't know too much of the future or....bad stuff happens."
Sensei Wu raised an eyebrow. "That is a very convincing theory."
"Wait, does this....problem happen in the past for you?" Zane asked Iginis.
She nodded. "There's a battle and stuff. But we never travel here, or anything. But I can't say much."
"How did you get here without the Time Twins?" Jay asked.
"We did....they just didn't arrive with us." Ray answered. "I say, where is Nya?" he asked.
"She's gone to do some other business down in the city." responded Cole.
Acronix and Crux landed with the Iron Doom in the desert.
"What a bummer, where are we?" Crux exclaimed.
"The city is over there." Acronix grumbled, pointing in front of him. It wasn't in eye distance.
"How do you know that? Wait, I don't wanna know." Crux said as Acronix lifted up his Borg Watch.
"The prisoners escaped." Acronix said helpfully.
"Well, I can see that!" grumbled Crux, checking to see if all was operational. "We need a new plan."
"How about we go and distract everyone then disappear but actually go and......." Acronix paused. "Wait....what's our mission again?"
Crux groaned. "To take over this realm and control everything, remember? Control time, control everything!" He sighed and went inside to fix the little this and that. Acronix sat outside, annoyed.
"Why can't my brother be a little more.....understanding? I'm a 23 year old, unlike him, a....63 year old! Ugh." He leaned against the wall.
"He's a 63 year old. He will never understand you." said a voice. It seemed similar to Acronix but he couldn't put his finger where the he knew it from.
"Who are you?" he asked, taking out his katana and standing up.his eyes darted across to see. But all he could capture was the endless desert horizon. And a bunch of dust in his eyes. He dropped his sword to wipe the dust out as it irritated him.
"I am no one to you." The voice answered. "And my identity doesn't matter. What matters is that you have a choice. A choice to do the right thing. What will you accomplish when you take over Ninjago? What will your next ambition be? It will never be enough. There will always be more! Become someone who actually finishes their wishes and receives love in return. The love you share with your brother is limited, it is also forced. Would you even think of him as your brother if he wasn't really your brother? Why do you take delight in hurting other people? What about those other souls who have a spot for you in their heart but you never took notice and instead made that hole bigger till it broke it? Acronix, you still have a chance, a choice, you still can do the right thing."
Acronix paused. "I...." he never thought anything like that. "Why would I listen to a voice who doesn't show them self?"
"Alright." Acronix blinked. Nothing happened. "Turn around." He jumped around and swung his sword. But the anonymous person grabbed the blade without pain and chucked it away. "No need to deceive me," it was female, as known by the voice, but the face was covered by a helmet, that made it impossible to identify the owner.
Acronix was silent for a moment. The anonymous person had her arms behind her back. She clicked a button on her arm and it caused to detached a spider like robot.
It crawled up the Iron Doom and to the front. It began unscrewing the time blades.
"What is your choice Acronix?" continued the person. The spider robot had unscrewed the red time blade. It dropped down to the person. She caught it behind her back.
"What was that?" Acronix asked as he tilted to side a bit.
"Oh, nothing." But at the same time she punched the hand forward and into Acronix. He froze. The anonymous person just climbed up to help her robot.
Krux noticed her. "Hey!" But it was too late. She had frozen him. He was immobilised. She grabbed all the time blades in a sack and dropped down to the ground.
She turned to Acronix. "You still have a choice you know." She flipped up the helmet. Acronix's mind sighed. He felt the effect wear off as she did her disappearing trick.

The feeling that Acronix felt was different to Ignis or Rosalie. It was internal pain, caused by multiple emotions running through his veins and being processed by the heart, which for one, has never needed to do these things. The anonymous person may have made no effect on Acronix, despite her words but perhaps it was the fact that she had found his weakness and used it to steal the time blades.

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