Chapter IV

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They are in Jay and Nya's house. (Basically Ignis' house)
"Yes! Now.....what do we do? I don't think it can reverse over 20 years." said Rosalie.
"Now, we find the Iron Doom and put it in and leave with theHands of Time." explained Sensei Wu.
"Well, we can help you, right?" asked Ignis.
"No. I can manage. You have to stay here and find your parents and look after Kristi and Ray." said Sensei Wu.
"But what about my weird power changing thing? Lloyd won't know about that! And plus, I have a feeling the reason they've disappeared is about this time travelling thing." said Ignis.
"That's why I have to hurry and get back home. Hope you well. Bye!" Sensei Wu left.
            "I wish I could go." sighed Ignis.
"Don't we all?" said Rosalie.
"Go where?" said a mysterious voice. The two turned around. There was a strange figure had Kristi and Ray.
"Leave them alone! What do you want!" cried Rosalie.
"No. We want her." He said, pointing to Ignis. She stepped back. "Or these guys go way.....back in time." He sneered.
Ignis hesitated. "Fine. But first give them to Rosalie."
"Smart girl." He dropped them, and they ran to Rosalie. Ignis stumbled to him.
"Who is him?" asked Kristi.
"I dunno...." muttered Rosalie, "Wait, where'd they go?" The spot where they standing was empty.
"Is Iggi gone?" asked Ray.

"Let go of me!" squirmed Ignis as who she found was Crux dragged her where the Iron Doom was hidden.
"No. We need you. You are the descendant of Jay Walker and that pesky girl Nya?" he growled.
"Yeah, but you won't get anything out of me......" her voice trailed off as she spotted Acronix. Acronix, who was polishing the door handle looked up at them.
"Hey 'Cronix, I got her. Make her talk." Crux said as he shoved her into the room Acronix was in.
           "So you're Ignis......" asked Acronix.
"........Yes." stated Ignis.
"Pleased to meet you." he said and held out his hand. She looked down at it and grinned slowly. She edged closer and put her to shake his. The moment their hands and skin touched, a lightning bolt ran through Ignis' arm into Acronix. They both jumped back as the shock went through.
"Whoops....sorry. That might sometimes happen and stuff...." said Ignis awkwardly. Acronix shook his head quickly to embrace what just happened.
"You got your fathers power then, eh?" he asked, rubbing his head.
"Correct, along with my mothers and uncle......we haven't worked it out yet.......why do you want me?" Ignis asked.
"You are the only descendant of the Smith family that we can understand, unlike your toddler brother or cousin who speak 'kid'. And we want to know where the future reversal time blade is. So we can start up the Iron Doom!" explained Acronix.
"I will never tell you!" said Ignis confidently.
"Fine, be that way." Acronix said with a sly grin.
"What do we do, Rosy?" Kristi asked.
"I.....dunno. Sensei Wu said to stay here, but if we don't Ignis will be in even more danger. And if he is going there to start the Iron Doom up, he won't know that Ignis is there.......and that means Ignis will go into the past........but Sensei Wu needs to take Acronix and Crux with him to the past but they don't know that and probably have taken Ignis in order to posses the reversal time blade even though Sensei Wu will take them to the past anyway so all Ignis has to do is get out of the Iron Doom before the time travels but she's not that smart!" Rosalie thought out loud.
"Can we go too then?" asked Ray.
"No, it too dangerous."
Ut we can't stay here by ourselves." pointed out Kristi.
Rosalie thought for a bit.
-time skip-
"All right. Kristi, since your older, your in charge. Both of you have to stay here, and don't look for trouble. I'm just gonna get Ignis." Rosalie ordered. Kristi and Ray nodded as they sat behind a bush to wait for Rosalie.
           Rosalie snuck into the Iron Doom. She saw no one in the the control room. She walked quietly down into one of the smaller rooms. Most of them were empty. Except for some empty helmets on the foot or tables. She slowly walked into another room, only to find it completely empty.
"Why is it all empty?" She asked out loud.
"It's not." said a voice. Rosalie turned out in surprise. Acronix stood there with Ignis tied up. He shoved her into Rosalie causing them to both fall into the empty room. Acronix laughed and slammed the door and locked it.
"I'm hungry." moaned Ray.
"Shhh. Rosy told us to be quiet and not to draw attention to ourselves." said Kristi.
"But I'm bored. Couldn't we explore a bit? We could play Ninja's!" he said hopefully.
"No. Ninja's is a noisy game." she said. Ray huffed. Kristi peeked out of the bush. The man that was standing there for the past minutes wasn't there. Before Kristi could process it, a voice interrupted the silence.
"Well, we got some kids here." He laughed.
"Hey, your the naughty guy who stole Ignis!" Ray exclaimed, pointing to him.
"We got some prisoners...." Crux chuckled.

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