Chapter III

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The fields were green. Sensei Wu held out a katana to Ignis.
"I assume you know how to fight?" He asked.
"Yeah, we train with Master Lloyd every Tuesday." she said, handling the sword.
"Okay." Sensei Wu told her steps to do in an order. She nodded and tried it out. "Not bad for the first go. Do it again, faster!" Rosalie was playing with Kristi and Ray.
Ignis spun around and did the moves. After a few tries she gave up. "Urg, don't elemental powers skip a generation sometimes?" she groaned.
"You are much like your mother. Yet she still became a water ninja. Again!" Ignis tried again and again.
"This is actually impossible? What's meant to happen, eh? Like our element is meant to fall on us or...? Seriously?! What?" she asked when everyone stared behind her. She slowly turned around.
Lightning sparked and it was the deafening sound of it that caused Ignis to notice it.
"Go to cover!" screamed Kristi.
"No, Ignis, if you are truly the master of Lightning, you can stop it." said Sensei Wu.
"But if I can't, then we will die!" shouted Ignis. She hesitated for a moment, but then turned to the the storm. "Er, STOP STORM.....of lightning.....Er, I COMMAND YOU.....?" The storm flickered on. She sighed. "Stop alright! You stupid storm! STUPID I TELL YOU. IM NOT THE NINJA OF LIGHTNING! I DONT CARE WHAT MY NAME MEANS IN STUPID LATIN OR FRENCH. I AM NO THE NINJA OF LIGHTNING. Please....." she looked helplessly at the sky and fell to her knees. Sensei Wu frowned. The storm stopped, only to be replaced by a down pour of rain. Ignis looked up. "Rain? What?" She put out her hand to feel the rain. As the rain cleared up the water in her hand evaporated. Ignis looked at Sensei Wu. "Was that meant to happened?" She asked.
"No, I don't know. You are the child of Jay and Nya. The expected element to be passed on is Lightning or Water, yet the water in your hand evaporated. Why? Maybe you are connected to the element line of Kai, and got Fire, but then the storm and rain fall wouldn't make sense." Sensei Wu though out loud.
"Um, Sensei....." the two turned to Rosalie.
A flame flickered in front of Ray as he stared innocently at Sensei.
Kristi jumped at the sudden appearance of the flame and a splash appeared from nowhere on to the flame, evaporating.
"But that's impossible! Isn't Ray the son of Nya and Jay? And Kristi the daughter of Kai and Skylor? This doesn't make sense? The elements must have jumped through the sibling line!" Exclaimed Sensei Wu.
"Well, I guess now it doesn't matter if I'm water or fire or not because we've got both our fire and water!" said Ignis with sigh of relief.
Rosalie finished scanning. "Nope. There isn't any time blade in this house. And we've already checked Lloyd's dojo and Cole apartment and Kai's house and Zane's place. This was the last place to look."
"Wait! I know!" said Ignis suddenly. "It, it just might be! Come!" They four followed her to the car. She manually drove.
"So, where do you think it'll be?" asked Sensei Wu. Ignis parked the car and ran out.
"Here." As Sensei Wu looked at were Ignis meant he gasped.
It was the Memorial Grave for Ray and Maya Smith. "No. They....."
"I guess we can tell you. They apparently died in the time battle." muttered Rosalie.
Sensei Wu bowed to the grave. Ignis moved her hand across the stone. "Here." She pointed to two hole big enough to fit a hand in. Rosalie gently pushed Ray and Kristi to them. "Come on Ray, just put your hand here." Ignis said to both of them. They cautiously put their hand in the holes. Ignis crossed her fingers. The stone cut in half. And slowly rolled open. Inside was a dusty metal thing. "Is this it?" Ignis asked, as she picked it up. Rosalie shot out some air from her hand onto the thing Ignis was holding. The dust flew off. It was the reversal time blade.

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