Chapter VIII

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Hey Guys! Hope you are enjoying this, and all. New chapter and Acronix is getting deep....! Hehe well, read and vote and comment if you wish!

The mini Iron Doom blasted through the unusual time portal to the future. As it stopped and landed safely, everyone felt something was wrong. There was no happy sky. The clouds covered it up, and the tall buildings blocked everyone's view.
       "This is not Ninjago." muttered Rosalie.
Sensei Wu was the only one who travelled with them to make sure nothing strange happened. Which it did.
"What happened?" Ray asked, with a tremble in his voice.
"Your world has been sent to the Hole." echoed a voice. Everyone looked around to see who it came from.
          "It is me," a figure appeared from thin air. He had a cloak on and a long beard. He was not old though, but he had a walking stick and a time turner on his neck. "The Time Master!"
"Like.....the Time Twins....father?" Kristi asked.
The Time Master frowned. "No, of course not, not those twins. Ugh. That what's causing the Time Mess and is chucking so may Time Possibilities down the Hole."
        "Excuse me....Time Master. What's a Hole?" Ignis asked.
The Time Master smiled. "I'll tell you everything from the beginning. Every future is not certain. Every gets every second, depending on the choices of the people in the present. So when you make a choice, a new Time Possibility is made. There even Time Possibilities on choices IF you made them. You know. The most possible Time Possibility is what you see when you Time travel to the 'future'. And when that Time Possibility is no longer the most possibly option it goes down the Hole, a place of darkness, where the Time Possibility slowly burns....." echoed the voice of the Time Master. "So speaking in easier terms, you world has been burned. Dead. Gone, disappeared. Forever. And....the reason you are here," he said, pointing to Ignis, Rosalie, Kristi and Ray, "is because citizens of a Time Possibility cannot pass to another Time Possibility. They can only go to their own or the past, but then there's a point where you start burning too. Sad, ain't it?" the Time Master shrugged.
       "So we're gonna die?!" Kriti exclaimed.
"No no, you are not gonna die, this version of you is not gonna exist. There are billions of other versions of you....who are also burning. But there's possibly a you in the final version, you know. There just needs to be a Time Possibility that makes the End with you getting born. You know." explained the Time Master.
        "But....that means we have to live in the past till the time comes for us to....disappear." muttered Rosalie.
"But....what mess is Acronix and Krus making?" Ignis asked.
"Well, their little games....have messed a lot up. You know. Playing with Time."
"Does it affect...citizens of the most possibly Possibility?" Ignis asked.
" don't think so...why do you ask?" questioned the Time Master.
"Oh....because I have three elements....and these two," pointing to Kristi and Ray, "have got the wrong elements, like it jumped through the sibling line. And....strange things have happened." explained Ignis.
"No. Definitely not. Doesn't not affect any one. Anyway, bye! I have to be some where else in minus three minutes." he the quickly dissolved into the air and was gone.
        "Let's...just go home." Sensei finally said, thinking deeply about what the Time Master said.
"what happened?"
What was explained to them by the Time Master was told to the rest of the group.
"So you guys are stuck here till you...basically disappear...which will be how long?" Cole asked.
Sensei shrugged. "We don't know."
"Well, at least you're real." Kristi huffed to the cat walking pass the window.
       "So....what do we do now?" asked Kai.
"Nothing, we got the time blades...we just gotta protect." announced Lloyd.
       Everyone went to what they were doing previously. Lloyd sat down and thought for a moment.
"Hey....Lloyd." Ignis whistled, sitting next to him. "Where is the Time Twins base?"
"Um....why?" he asked suspiciously.
"Oh. No...reason. Just...." Ignis looked away. "How's Rosalie?" she asked suddenly.
"Er..." Lloyd blushed. He opened his mouth but closed it. Ignis had disappeared.
Acronix and Krux were in their old base in the sewers.
"We'll need to summon our snake warriors again." Krux groaned. He opened up the snake eggs again. Snakes slithered up and formed a person shape. "Welcome back, Commander Blunk, and GeneralMachia." The third leader didn't appeared.  "Where's..." Krux looked around.
A bunch of snakes slithered up into the armour. "I'm an here, Sir." Commander Ruggmutt saluted.
         "Where's your twin?" GeneralMachia asked.
Krux bit his lip and glanced at the room behind. Acronix was listening to music through his earphones and being glum. "Whatz wrong with him?" Commander Blunk asked.
"I...don't know." Krux muttered.
       "Let me talk to him." GeneralMachia offered. She walked over to him. "Hello....Master..." she said.
Acronix looked up to her and took of one of his ear plugs. " can call me Acronix...." he said, still little distant.
"I see your plan failed. Is that why you're so....down?" Machia suggested.
"'s complicated." sighed Acronix.
"I see. I guess you humans are different. How about you talk to a human for assistance?" Machia gave an option.
"My brother is no human to talk to." grumped Acronix.
"How about you talk to a person...your age?" shrugged Machia.
"Does it looked like I have a choice?" sighed Acrnoix, putting his ear phones back on and slouching against his chair.
"How have a walk?"
"And get bashed up by the ninja? No thanks." Acrnoix was being really negative.
"Disguise yourself, I don't know. Maybe take off your mask...." Machia gave up and walked off.
Acronix thought about what she said.
Ignis chucked the milk carton in the basket. "Don't go Ignis, it's too dangerous." she mocked as she placed the eggs in. "You can't control your powers, you'll make more mess than good." She huffed. She walked to the counter and dropped the basket on the bench. It unexpectedly made a bang, alerting the cashier.
        As he scanned the objects Ignis' attention was drawn outside. She spotted Acrnoix walking outside, although he wasn't terrorising people, he was just walking...suspicious, Ignis thought. She slowly headed out.
        "Hey, Miss!" reminded the cashier.
"Keep it for me, I'll be back," she said already out. She weaved herself through the people and the across the road.
       She timed herself perfectly and pushed Acronix into an alleyway. "What are you doing here?" she asked, pushing him against the wall. It took him a second to recognise her, and when he did he loosened a bit. She put down her arm, freeing him.
He patted off the dust off his hoodie that he was wearing.
"I'm walking." Ignis ignored him. She was too busy gaping at him. She had inspected him and he was wearing a dark grey hoodie and dark blue jeans with converse. The main thing was that he hadn't his mask. She could see his whole face and his eyes. His hazel eyes.
        "Great....." she then suddenly snapped. "I mean, really? Why?"
"I needed the fresh air from being in the stinky—I mean...our base for ages. And to be away from Krux."  he explained.
Ignis relaxed a bit. "Huh, Krux. How is he? Isn't he like...sixty years old? He must think you as immature, being twenty."
"Twenty three." He corrected.
"Eh, whatever."
"It does matter. Plus, I'm not immature." he smiled.
"Really?"Ignis said, disbelievingly. They started walking down the street. "You know, I really should take you to the police. Or at least turn you in to the ninja." she said, waving a phone in her hand.
      "Wait..." Acronix felt his pocket. His phone had disappeared. He frowned at her.
"I'm a talented thief, as Rosalie says." laughed Ignis, turning on his phone. "Not that I steal. I just play around." she quickly added.
        They sat down on a park bench.
"It's locked." said Acronix, looking over Ignis' shoulder. To his surprise she was in his messages. "How...?"
"Also a talented hacker." she smiled while she pressed 'send' on the message she sent to herself. She gave his phone back.
       "So...why do you do that?" she asked, looking at him.
"Do what?" he asked, confused.
"Er...try to take over time and everything." shrugged Ignis.
"Oh..." Acronix looked down. "I'll tell you if you truthfully tell me why you haven't told he ninja I'm here...talking to you.
Ignis frowned with a smile. "Because...the truth, you're not a bad guy Acronix. You are fun, young and still want to discover things, as you've missed four decades. You still have a chance to change things."
      That last sentence echoed inside Acronix's head.
"Now, why do you be bad?" Ignis asked.
He looked at the sky. "Imagine a deer and a fox. The fox has all and every advantage to kill the deer. So why wouldn't it?"
"Because there's a threat going to hurt its cubs. The Fox would rather save its cubs, the things it loves most, than to kill the deer." Ignis said. She paused sat she realised what she said. Her phone beeped. She took it out to check it.
       -where are you? Dads getting impatient he wants to make that cake and Coles getting hungry- said the text message from Rosalie. She sighed. "I've got to go." she stood up and started to walk off when Acrnoix said something.
       "But that threat threatening the cubs will kill the fox."
Ignis sighed. "Does the fox really love the cubs then?" She then ran off to the grocery store to pick up the food.

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