CHAPTER 19: If I Let You Go

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OST for this chapter:

1. My Love (Coast to Coast)

2. If I Let You Go (Westlife)

3. Difference in Me (Gravity)

Just a simple request: pretty please, please, PLEASE play the last song when I request you to? I'd cried my eyes out (yes, pathetic; crying over my own work) when I read and listened to the song at the same time. And Difference in Me is a truly beautiful song. And the way Shane sing it, I can only imagine it was all for Nicky and it kills me a million times a day.

Dedication will be for AtrumLupus for being a new member of my family. I really enjoyed the pictures, mate and just so you know I've saved them all, together with my hundred ShNicky pictures in my phone.

Chapter Nineteen
If I Let You Go

The howl of the wolf was what woke Shane up. He was left in a state of daze, wondering if the howl he heard was just a remnant of his dream, or if the sound was real. But regardless of whether it was real or not, Shane couldn't shake off the heavy feeling he's got when he woke up. It was already morning and the light was already creeping inside the tent. The sun was already up high, and Shane must've woken up late after staying up almost the whole night, thinking. And what happened last night, was it just a dream? Now that he thought of it, it felt too good to be true. And for a moment, Shane felt more than terrified thinking that nothing that happened last night was real. He clutched his chest and tried to claw out the heavy feeling in him that didn't seem to fade.

He surveyed the inside of the tent but only found Gillian, still asleep as well. But Kian was already up. And for some reason, it was still awfully quiet around. It was a bit late, but there was no noise from the others still. By now, Mark should've been up, barking orders at everyone to wake up and pack everything. But there was nothing from Mark. Curious, Shane crawled out of the tent. But as he made it out, he was greeted with a peculiar view: there was an empty space where the other's tent should've been. It was completely bare, like it was never been occupied just the last night. And looking at the empty space made the heavy feeling even worse. Shane's eyes darted everywhere in panic, searching for anything or anyone that will pull him out from this state of confusion. Then up ahead where the bonfire had been, Shane saw Kian, slowly cleaning everything up of what remains after the party last night. At least that was not a dream. But Kian was all alone. Shane went up to him with a curious expression, rubbing on his eyes as he tried to wake himself up completely.

"Mornin' Shay." Kian greeted him, though not in a jovial way. He sounded tired.

"Where are the others?" he immediately asked, not even returning the greeting at all.

"They've gone back, didn't want to wake you up." Kian answered, not even looking Shane in the eye.

"What, why?" Shane asked him, surprised by his answer and curious as to why Kian was acting this way.

"They still needed to go to the café and pack everything up, and Nicky can't be late, so..."

"Wait, pack what up, what's going on? Where will Nicky be going?" Shane queried, now feeling even more confused and worried. And the way Kian paused, surprised with Shane cluelessness was not helping at all.

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