CHAPTER 17: Hazelwoods

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Welcome to Hazelwoods, Sligo. Most of the events in this and the next chapter will take place here, so in order to help everyone see the place better, I've asked Daddy Mark (I've borrowed this nickname from my dear reader, and yes I meant you MusicSportsLove) to give us a tour of the place. So if you have time, you can watch the video on the side and have a grand tour of the place first before you proceed with the chapter. And Mark's giving the tour, so come on, you can't possibly miss it.

I dedicate this chapter to you shnicky2000 because I love your name and you've been a cute, supportive reader up till now. Thank you for the PMs, love. 

Chapter Seventeen

"Just do it like I told you to do." Mark told Nicky as they returned to the spot where Brian and Shane were. Mark told him about the last phase of the plan, and Nicky looked so pale when he learned what Mark and Brian were planning. He didn't want to make a ruckus like this! And he was not even sure if this will work. Because if it won't, he would be absolutely gutted and immensely humiliated to the bone, and he won't be able to face the band if it will fail. But Mark assured him it will go according to plan.

"Mark..." Nicky said, his voice trembling. Mark started chuckling with Nicky's nervous expression, and the blonde pouted at him.

"Just relax Nix. And trust us." Mark said.

The cars arrived as scheduled, and both Kian and Gillian got out of the car. Brian saw Gillian's eyes search for Shane and where Nicky was the moment she arrived. But looking that Shane was with Brian, and Nicky was with Mark, her face's brighten with relief and she smiled widely at her boyfriend and hugged him, giving him a peck in the lips as she did.

"God, enough flirting, we don't have much time." Kian scolded them, rolling his eyes. The band chuckled as they watched the two subjects fidget uncomfortably with the sudden attention. Then they started filling the cars with the stuffs they bought, and not ten minutes after, they were riding for Hazelwoods.

* * * * *

"So here we are lads." Mark announced, raising his arms as he stood at the entrance of the place. "Welcome to Hazelwoods!"

Everyone cheered with Mark as they arrived at their destination. The cars were all parked by the entrance, and they needed to walk the rest of the way to reach the lakeside, where they will be camping. But Mark told them the walk will be worth it; they will be taking the Nature Trail, and enjoy the feeling of actually walking in the woods. There was a whole mountain of Mark's stuffs that needed carrying to the camping site, and everyone groaned when they realized they had to walk back and forth three times just to bring everything to the lakeside.

"Oh, come on lads. Small price to pay for camping?" Mark said with a nervous laugh as he watched everyone glaring at him.

"Let's get started then. Its noon and we still don't have lunch." Kian said. The rest sighed and started picking everything up one by one. Mark asked Brian to carry the grill with him, while Gillian asked her boyfriend to help her with the foods. Nicky on the other hand, made sure to pick the fishing rods first and slung it on his shoulder with an excited grin. Kian laughed at him and hung an arm on the older lad's shoulder, promising the lad to tell him where the best fishing spot was, which in turn, made Nicky even more excited. Kian lifted the icebox and everyone started to enter the nature trail; with Nicky and Kian leading the way, Shane and Gillian right after them, and Brian and Mark carrying the grill behind them.

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