CHAPTER 4: Home Visits

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Chapter Four

Home Visits

Time passes quickly if you're having fun. Nicky knew that but he didn't think that two weeks would go by like a blur. The band definitely bonded in just those couple of weeks. Those late night fun, evening stroll around Dublin and endless banters between the members, it made them feel like buddies for years, and how much Nicky might want to deny it, his feelings, whatever feeling it is he has for Shane, started to grow as well.

Now it's their last day in Dublin and tomorrow, Shane, Mark and Kian needed to go back to Sligo and they won't be seeing each other for a week or two, until the scheduled time for them to depart to London.

This terribly upsets Nicky. He doesn't like the idea of not seeing the rest of the band for another two weeks. He'll miss them so much, especially Shane. It's just a couple weeks but Nicky got used to spending the whole day with these lads. So he was not sure how to spend the next two weeks without them. He laughed dryly, mocking himself of how completely dependent he's become.

As usual, they met in the hotel early in the morning to hang out. Everyone's acting the same, save for Nicky who was feeling dreadful, though he was trying his best to hide it.

"Nix, you okay there mate?" Shane asked him out of nowhere. Nicky's head snapped up and realized he was spacing out amidst the noise his bandmates were making. And of course it's gotta be Shane who noticed first.

"Of course" Nicky answered defensively, which raised Shane's eyebrow questioningly. "I'm fine Shay" he insisted, eyebrows creased in annoyance.

"This is not about us leaving, right?" Shane asked Nicky teasingly.

Nicky snorted and smack Shane's arm playfully. This wanker's got it spot on, he thought.

"You know, we've been walking 'round Dublin for two whole weeks but these two never even bothered to invite us all in their houses." Kian murmured, taking a sip of his juice.

"If you want to go to my house Egan, all you have to do is ask!" Brian said smugly, throwing a pillow right towards Kian's face, spilling some of the juice on the carpeted floor.

"No, we don't wanna impose..." Shane said in disagreement but Brian was already on his feet.

"It's already done. Y'all stand up and let's go to my house first, since its closer from here. Then we'll go to Nicky's after." Brian commanded. Everyone shook their head as they all stood up.

"Thanks for deciding for me." Nicky snapped at him but Brian just grinned.

"Well, you don't have any choice in this matter. You will have to introduce him to your parents sooner or later, so why not today?" Brian said.

"Introduce who?" Nicky asked, having no idea what Brian was on to. But before he can get anything from Brian, he already bolted away from them and exited the hotel room.

* * *

The trip down the hotel was not as smooth as Nicky hoped for: Brian, Kian and Mark were singing Irish songs and were all dancing (or more like jumping up and down the lift) making the metal box groan with the ruckus the three were causing.

Nicky was positioned in the front, being the last one to get in the lift and wanting to be the first one to go out as soon as they're down. Shane can't see his friend's expression but he was quite sure he's scared out of his wit. Shane noticed the slight trembling of Nicky's shoulder and the way it rose up every time the other three would jump. Being behind Nicky, he doesn't' know how to reassure him without the other three noticing, so he just put his hands on the older lad's shoulders, gripping it reassuringly. He felt Nicky tensed with the contact, but immediately relaxed after knowing that it was Shane. Nicky breathe deep and the shaking of his body stopped. Shane smiled at that, glad that he was able to make the older lad felt safe somehow. The elevator reached the ground floor and Shane gave Nicky a soft push out of the lift, completely unaware of the pair of eyes that's been watching the two of them the whole time.

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