CHAPTER 18: Around The Campfire

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Before I start, I just wanna try something out. So while I was writing, I had a thought: can I maybe try to put an OST in my story using Westlife songs? That way, I can bring out true emotion to the story.

So I decided to put ns-OST (not so Original Sound Track) in my book. What I'm gonna do is I'm gonna select a song, and then you may play that music while reading some parts of the book. That way, it will be just watching a movie.

So if you wanna try it out too, you can prepare these two songs for this chapter. 

1.) Written In The Stars (Unbreakable: Greatest Hits V1)

2.) Maybe Tomorrow (Face to Face)

And there's gonna be a short story integrated in this chapter, and it may appeal as a filler, but it is not. This chapter and the next will have reference on the short story, so I suggest not skipping it? And I don't think it's that bad. 


Chapter Eighteen

Around the Campfire

"You still remember that time we first met?"

"Yeah. Of course."

"You were hiding behind Kian with that goofy smile of yours."

"I was not hiding."

"Yes, you were." Gillian chuckled. "You were clinging on his back, and you were smiling goofily at me."

"You already like me back then." Shane countered, and Gillian nodded.

"Yeah. I already did like you back then." Gillian admitted with a smile.

They two were filled with silence after that, sitting by the shore alone, and watching the light of the night sky illuminate the whole place. The whole lake glimmered, and it felt romantic and magical. If only—

"Shay?" Gillian called; her voice gentle yet sad. "Love, is there something you want to tell me?"

Shane met his girlfriend's eyes, and he could see the sincerity from her eyes: she did want to know what Shane wanted to say. But Shane was not sure if he was ready to say what he wanted to say, what he needed to say.

"The moment you returned from Dublin for the first time, from when you had your contract signing, every one of us was really surprised: you looked really happy." Gillian went on talking, looking at his boyfriend's hesitance to talk. "At first, we just assumed it was all about the band. And I guess I wanted to believe that. Because when you leave Sligo, as I remember: you were feeling dreadful that Michael, Graham, and Derek were kicked out of the band. How come when you returned two weeks after, it was as if you were suddenly turned upside down?" Gillian laughed, but not of amusement, but in a way saying, 'I should have known by then, how could I not know from back then? I was so stupid.' Shane was now staring at his girlfriend, and a well of tears were already forming in her eyes as she talked.

"The first week you were home, I was so glad you were back that I didn't see something was different, with you...with us." she said, now meeting eyes with Shane, and looking into his hazel-green one, that was now shaded black by the dark night. But she can still clearly see his face, his expression, the way he looked so sorry in front of her. It broke her heart even more. "Then I started noticing things: the way you talk about Dublin, how you had so much fun back there, the way you talk about your new bestfriend, and how you always check your phone every now and then like waiting for a call, or even a text to come your way. I mean, who could've been so important to you that you'd wait for that someone's call when your girlfriend was already there, sitting beside you?" Then that laugh again. "But yet again, I chose to ignore that, because you were home! You were back to me. What could matter most at that time?"

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