CHAPTER 13: To Sligo We Go

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Chapter Thirteen

To Sligo We Go

Step 1: Approaching the Target

"Hun, you done packing?" Nicky's mother entered the room and found her son sitting on his bed and was staring at the packed bag right in front of him. Nicky's eyes darted up and met with his mother's. He knew his mother was good at picking up when something was wrong so he was quick to look away. Too late though: his mom noticed.

"Love, is everything okay?" his mother asked him. She walked towards her son and sat on the bed beside him. Nicky scooted a little and gave space for his mother.

"Everything's fine, mam." He said gloomily. He felt his mother's eyes scanning him, and it almost felt like his mother can see through him entirely.

"Something is definitely up." His mother said, still gazing at him. Nicky bit his lip and tried to look away, but his mom's fingers were quick to hold his chin and brought it back to face her. "What is it?"

"I told you, ma. There's nothing!" Nicky tried again. But his mother looked like she didn't believe him even more. Whatever radar it was that was installed in her mother's head, it sure was ringing the BS detector.

"You know, we used to tell stuff with each other before, even how small things it was." His mother said as she started to pitch her 'before-we-used-to' play to him. And even though how many times Nicky told her it was not working, she doesn't even care to listen. "You even told me about your first kiss; who was it again? Was it Jenny from fourth grade?"

Nicky rolled his eyes and groaned. "Mam! Completely off the point!"

"No, my point is that---you stopped talking to me." She said, stating it as if the thought really wounded her.

"That is after you started spilling everything we talked about to Adam's baby sitter!" Nicky complained, referring to his younger brother's baby sitter, Becky, who was a couple years younger than him.

"Oh come on, baby, I only shared some. And only those cute ones..."

"You told her I sang to Georgina in the cafeteria once and got ignored!"

"I'm telling ya, Becky found that one completely adorable! She kept on giggling for full five minutes!"

"You even told her you caught me...doing the john." He murmured, and her mother broke out laughing.

"Oh you could have seen the look on her face!"

Nicky scowled and never, ever wanted to smack her mother's face this way before.

"Come on, love. Becky fancies you." Her mother cooed.

"Yeah. Her and half of the neighborhood." He retorted, which brought her mother into another giggle fit.

"You know, you're the only reason she's agreed baby-sitting your brother for half the price." She proudly stated. "God, I even believe she'd give it away for free if it means she can stay in the house and stare at you."

"So now you're starting to slowly sell me off to the baby-sitter?" he queried with raised eyebrows.

"Oh no, love. I'd only sell my baby for a very handsome price." She said playfully, nudging Nicky's shoulder with her own.

"Wow, that is really reassuring." He scoffed, but a faint smile was playing in his lips.

"You know I've never seen you smile since you came back from London." She suddenly said, turning all serious out of nowhere. "Did something happen with the band?"

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