CHAPTER 12.5: After That 15 Minutes

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*A/N: Okay, first of--- 1k reads! That was what caught my attention the first time I opened WP. I'm so thankful to you guys for your continuous support. Really, you always made me feel home everytime I'm here.
That is why I'm gonna be updating two and a half chapter today. I hope you guys like it.

Chapter Twelve
(Part 2)

After That 15 Minutes

Brian closed the door and leaned on it as he removed his hand from his mouth and let out the gasp that he's been keeping in. His mind was still fuzzy and was in great shambles. Did he just really see that?

"Brian, come inside." Brian heard Shane's voice from the other side of the door. Brian turned around and twisted the knob again, this time opening it with caution, in case he see another surprising stuff inside. The door opened, and Brian went inside the room. Then his eyes immediately caught Shane and Nicky. Shane's face was till tear-stained, and his hand was petting Nicky's head. The older lad was cooped on Shane's arms and was still weeping. Brian felt his hands balled into fists as he watched Shane, and he threw him a stabbing glare.

"We need to go. Mark can only buy us a few minutes to get out of here before Kian and his cousin come and find Nicky." Brian said firmly. It took a bit of time for the words to register on Shane's mind. He nodded and let go of Nicky, then he cupped his cheeks and kissed his forehead again. "I'm sorry." he whispered to Nicky, then he let go of him.

Brian wanted to do a million things as he watched Shane and Nicky, none so far seemed positive, but he remained frozen where he stood.

Seeing that Shane finally let go of the blonde, Brian was quick to grab Nicky's arms and drag him away from Shane. He felt Nicky resist, so he pulled harder.

"Brian," Shane called from behind him. Brian stopped and turned, staring blankly at Shane. "Can I have a word with you later?"

Brian just stared at his bandmate, without blinking, nodding, or showing any signs he heard what Shane just said. He felt Nicky still fighting for his freedom, like a kid struggling out of his parent's hand. But Brian didn't let go. He reached for the door and opened it. Then he dragged Nicky outside and left Shane alone in the room. Brian closed the door and was literally dragging Nicky's arse in the hallway. The older lad started crying and yelling like a kid in tantrum, demanding to be freed. Brian started to feel worried of all the noise and was trying to shush Nicky down, but the older blonde cried even louder.

Then Brian heard footsteps running and a door slamming open. He turned and found Kian's head, poking at the doorframe. Their eyes met. Oh-oh. Brian thought. Then he saw Gillian's head poking out as well, and then Mark, looking really worried as he tried to drag Kian back inside.

"I thought I heard Nicky's voice." Kian seethed. "I guess I was right."

Brian gulped and immediately turned. He tightened his grip on to Nicky and started to run, dragging Nicky on the floor even faster. Brian heard Kian yelling at him to stop. Brian took one quick glance and found Kian, running after them with furious eyes, Mark right behind him, holding him down.

"You left us in the airport, won't answer your calls, and didn't even show up for the party, now you show up here, drunk?!" Kian shouted in the hallway. Nicky was still bawling and it was a hell of a mess. There were doors opening, trying to see what was happening outside, so Brian hauled Nicky faster. The elevator was still up, and by the time it comes back down, Kian would have caught up with them, so Brian started dragging Nicky towards the stairs. He can almost hear Nicky's bum bumping on every step and he immediately felt sorry for him. Nicky's voice hitched every time he landed on a step, and his cries sounded like a sick beat. Brian started laughing while feeling sorry for Nicky at the same time, and he felt like a completely mental bloke dragging a dead drunk right after his trail. How this night turned out to be.

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