CHAPTER 7: Destination LONDON

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*A/N:  I will never leave my story in draft anymore 😤 Sorry for the late update, but I have to rewrite the whole thing again. My draft just disappeared. I decided to add some bits so it took a bit longer than intended. Thanks for waiting anyways!

Chapter Seven

Destination: LONDON

"MOM, stop kissing me! Me mates are looking at us!" Nicky complained.

"Look at this kid. We won't be seeing him for a month and he won't even let us kiss him for a while." his mother spat back.

"Just let go, hun. He's not a baby anymore." Nicky Sr. said. Nicky's mother wipe some more tears, and nodded. Nicky was fighting the urge to roll his eyes on them; it's not like he was going to war, or won't be back for a year or two. It's just gonna be for a month!

Then he remembered that moment when Shane left him to go back to Sligo for just two weeks. That dreadful feeling he had as he and Brian saw them off in this the same airport. He realized how his parents must've felt, and somehow made him a bit more warm towards them. He tolerated himself to be more affectionate just for this moment and hugged the two of them.

"I'll be back in no time." he said to them. His mom nodded again, seemed to be too upset to utter a word, and his father smiled and patted him on the shoulder. Then he turned to his younger brother, Adam, and ruffled his hair into a mess. "Stay out of my room" he warned him. Adam rolled his eyes and mumbled something about being a terrible brother.

"Hug me too and I'll kick you in the arse." Her sister, Gillian, warned him. Nicky laughed and snorted. "As if I'm thinking about it." he said. Gillian chuckled and hugged him instead. "Bring me a boyfriend from London, will ya?" she teased.

"Not gonna happen." he said with a grimace. Gillian laughed at his expression and waved at him good bye. He did the same and lifted his bag, walking away from them and into his bandmates.

"Oh baby I'm gonna miss you!" Brian teasingly said the moment he made it to them. "Let me give you a kiss.." he went on, pouting his lips as he threaten to come close and kiss Nicky again.

"God Brian, keep those slobby lips away from me." Nicky complained. His bandmates sniggered as they watched Brian wiping his lips and smelling his breath.

"We all set?" Shane asked them. Everyone nodded with excited grin on their faces.

"YEAH! LONDON, HERE WE COME!" Brian cheered boisterously. Heads started to turn towards their direction, so his bandmates moved faster and left him behind before he does anything more embarrassing. If it comes to it, they can say that Brian was just a complete stranger and he ain't with them.

* * * *

The flight was an embarrassing experience for Nicky. It was his first time, and he was not planning to ride one again in the future if he can help it. Though thank God he was sitting beside Shane, or he would've lost it. The moment the plane took off from the ground, he felt his guts getting left behind in the ground as they ascent. He felt like he's been riding an elevator running at ten times the speed! His eyes were wide in fear, and in the corner of his eyes, he can see Shane eyeing him worriedly. Heck, even anyone who must've sit beside him would worry: at the moment, he felt like dying, and he had a feeling his face must've shown the same. He can almost picture himself sitting rigidly on his seat, eyes bulging out in fear, face in full red alert as all the blood pumps up, and his mouth contorted with dread. If he was seated with Brian, he must've laughed off at the comical view that is Nicky's face. But he was with Shane, and Shane was different. Instead of laughing at him, he felt Shane's hands engulfing his own that was holding the armrest in a death grip. Shane's hold was reassuring, and warm...and safe. Nicky closed his eyes as he tried to shake off the fear and just relax. Then the plane slowly levelled off, and Nicky finally found the air that he was sure he forgot to breathe.

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