Before it all ended. (Amy)

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It was sunny, happy. The day before it all came to an end. No, no. I didn't die. I wish. Someone else did.

       "Billy!!" A tiny voice screeched in delight, and a tiny, dirty-blonde, adorable little boy skipped up to my best friend, hugging his waist.
    "Hey, g-g-Georgie..." my best friend since kindergarten, Bill Denbrough said. Yes, he has a stutter. That's his target for the bullies. I smiled at the little thing.
"Sup, geo." I ruffled his hair, and he giggled.

      "Amyyyyyyy!!" He let go of Bill for a quick second, just to hug me. He was like a friend. He was like family. He was the cutest little thing, so innocent, so perfect.

And then he was gone.

~Stay cute, stutter king.~ ((Bill Denbrough x OC reader))Where stories live. Discover now