Chapter 40

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I was walking to the library with Draco when I heard my name being called. We both turned around and looked at Professor McGonagall. She smiled to us and said,

"I thought you would like to know that I have talked to the other teachers and Dumbledore and they have all agreed with your idea. So here is your new schedule. It is pretty opened for you. You will meet up with each of your teacher for a few hours every few days to learn and see if you are progressing correctly."

I could not believe that they agreed to let me do this. I was so happy and excited. This was going to allow me to do my things my way. I was starting to take control of my life. I thanked McGonagall and Draco and I went into the library.

"So what was that about?" Draco asked.

I forgot I didn't tell him or the others my plan about my classes. I sighed and said,

"I asked McGonagall if I could take independent studies instead of my classes."

I nodded and left it at that. You could tell he understood why I did what I did. We read in quiet as I did my homework. You could hear the whispers and people pointing at me. I sighed and just tried to distract myself. Draco placed a hand on mine and squeezed.

"So are you going to Hogsmeade this weekend?" Draco asked.

I was not sure if I should or shouldn't. A lot of things were going through my mind about it. I had a few ideas on what I was going to do. But the look in Draco's eyes told me that there was something more. I raised an eyebrow and asked,

"Why do you ask?"

"Well, my mother wanted to see if there was a way to see you this weekend at Hogsmeade. She said it could be anywhere you want it to be." Draco explained.

I smiled at him and nodded. I could not wait to see my aunt. Ever since I found out who I was truly was, she was here for me. I love what Draco and Aunt Narssica has done for me. This was going to be a good time. We kept working on what we were doing.

I walked down to the Great Hall. Today was the Hogsmeade trip. I was excited to see my aunt again. We were going to be spending a good time together. I waited for Draco, so that we could go down together. I took a drink of my juice and felt hands wrap around me. I turned to see Fred and George standing there. I quickly got up and jumped into their arms.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

They smiled to me and Fred said,

"A little birdy told us were going to see your auntie. Thought you would like us to come."

"But we already know what you are going to say. We know you already have a good relationship with your aunt. So, the birdy still thought it would be great to see us and having some friends to go that already knows everything." George finished.

I smiled at them and we all sat down. We enjoyed our breakfast. Then Draco sat down across of us. He smiled up to us and said,

"Well, I am glad you two could come. My mother is excited to see us all. I told her that they were coming too."

We nodded and finished. We ignored all the stars. I followed Draco down the path to Hogsmeade. I saw Narcissa standing there. I quickly went down and went to hug her. We continued down to the Three Broomsticks. We sat in the back and Draco went to get the drinks.

"I am so glad to see you sweetie." Narcissa said giving me a hug.

"I am so happy to see you too." I told her.

"So how are things at school?" She asked.

I looked over to Fred and George. They gave me encouraging looks. Fred took my hand and squeezed it. Draco came back with the drinks. He knew that something happened and gave me a concerned look.

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