Chapter 18

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Hermione was about reveal everything but then the ward went off. Someone was trying to get into the empty class room. Hermione, Ginny, and Draco whipped out their wands and cautiously walked to the door. Hermione opened it slowly. There stood Professor Dumbledore at the door with Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape.

They all stood there, no one saying anything. The teachers and headmaster stood in front of the students. Hermione spoke up and said,

"Professors, is everything alright?"

"Is everything alright with you Miss Granger?" Dumbledore asked.

"Yes Professor. Everything is alright. Why do you ask?" Hermione asked.

"Well the thing is the teachers have noticed that you have been off and now you are putting up wards to talk to some other students. Are you sure everything is alright?" Dumbledore asked hesitantly.

Hermione did not say anything. She looks toward Draco and Ginny they were not scared. They walked right to Hermione and Draco whispered into her ear.

"Only trust Snape. We don't know about the other teacher. Just trust Snape. He is on our side."

Hermione nodded, she did not say anything to the Professors but she did turn to Harry and said,

"We will finish this later Harry. At the place that is nowhere."

Hermione left the Professors and Harry in the class room confused. Draco and Ginny was right behind her. Ginny got closer to Hermione and gave her a hug. Hermione gave Ginny a smirk and walked away from both of her best friends. She just wanted to have a few minutes to herself.

Ginny faced Draco and asked,

"Will she be alright? I know that Harry still does not know the truth but do you think when he does that he will still accept her for who she is like we do?"

"I do not know. But if he or anyone else hurt her I will hurt them. I promise that." Draco said with a stern face.

He was serious about that. Since he found out that Hermione was his cousin he would do anything to protect her. She was all he had left as family beside his mother. He knew his father was no more in his life since he went to Azkarban.

Hermione walked around the grounds. She wished she had brought a jacket or something. It was getting colder in the afternoons. She just had to get out of the castle away from all the Professors and everyone else. She had a bad feeling that all of the professors knew about everything. She just did know if she was right.

As Hermione walked by the forbidden forest she heard a noise. She turned to look into the forest; there was a pair of eyes looking at her. Hermione froze and did not move. She grabbed her wand and walked toward the pair of eyes. When she went toward the eyes they moved into the trees more. Hermione knew that she should not be going in there alone or go in there at all. But Hermione did listen to her instances and went into the wood to follow the pair of eyes.

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