Chapter 33

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Hermione smiled to George and then Fred took Hermione's hand they apparate away. Once they landed Hermione looked around and was confused. She thought she was going to Hogwarts but she was at the Burrow. She looked up to Fred and asked,

"What are we doing here?"

"There's someone that wants to talk to you." Fred started. Before letting her see who it was he sighed and said,

"Give them a chance to speak and keep an open mind."

Hermione then knew who he was talking about. She looked over to see Molly Weasley waiting at the door. She was staring at Fred and Hermione. Fred took Hermione's hand and started to walk up to the Burrow. The place was empty.

"I thought the Order was coming back here after we rescued Mione?" Fred asked.

"They will be here soon. But since there was three Order members that can't be trusted anymore. They went to take care of them right now. Are you hungry? Would you like some tea?" Molly asked looking toward Hermione.

Hermione did not say anything. She just looked at Molly and then around the room. The day she found out about who she really was and when Molly showed her what she thought of her was the most heart breaking day of her life. Hermione thought she would never be coming back to the Burrow.

"Tea would be great mum." Fred said with a smile.

Fred lead Hermione to the kitchen table and they sat there in silence while Molly got the tea ready. But Hermione did not like the silence. She sighed and asked,

"What am I doing here? I really would like to be back at Hogwarts right now. You know that Fred."

Fred looked up to Hermione and said in a whisper,

"My mother wants to talk to you. She pulled me aside before coming to rescue you and asked if there was any way to talk to you when you come back. I ran it by Kingsley and Snape and they said it would be a good idea to bring you somewhere safe before taking you back to Hogwarts."

Hermione sighed and just sat there looking at her tea. The room was quiet for a while. Fred finally spoke up and said,

"Mum isn't there something you want to say?"

Molly looked from Hermione to Fred. She sighed and said,

"Hermione, dear I am so sorry about what I said about you. I don't know what in my right mind where I thought you were anything like those two. You are your own person and I should have never called you a monster and made you think that you are not welcomed in this house. I feel so sorry and I would understand if you do not want to forgive me."

Hermione did not know what to say. She could see in Molly's eyes that she was really sorry and did regret everything. Hermione thought about everything and then tears came rushing down her face. Fred wrapped an arm around her. Molly watched the interaction between Fred and Hermione. She could tell that Fred really cared about Hermione and Hermione had feelings for Fred.

"Mrs. Weasley, I know that you are sorry and that you regret what you said. But I am them, I am their daughter and I have seen a lot of things about myself in them when I stayed there with them. I," Hermione was about to say but Fred spoke up.

"But Hermione, you are your own person. You may have some things in common with them but you are your own human being. You are Hermione, no one else." Fred stated looking into Hermione's eyes.

He whipped the tears from her face and just sat there. Hermione leaned in and gave him a hug. She thanked him and then turned to Molly again.

"Mrs. Weasley," Hermione was about to say.

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