Chapter 35

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Hermione leaned up and kissed him on the check. She waved by to everyone and went through the gates. There waiting for her was Severus Snape standing there smiling. Hermione ran up to him and gave him a hug. Severus smiled and started to walk up to the castle. Hermione spoke up and asked,

"What are you doing back here Sev? I thought," She paused and Severus laughed and said,

"Your father sent me back here to keep an eye on you and to protect you and Miss Granger it's Professor Snape or sir." He smiled her and whispered, "In public at least."

Hermione smiled and they finished walking quietly up to the school. Right when they got to the door Snape stopped her and said,

"You know that once you step into through these doors everything is going to change. Are you ready for it?"

Hermione did not say anything but pushed the doors open and walked right into the Great Hall. Everyone starred at her and she walked over to the Slytherin's table and gave Draco a hug. He hugged her back. The rest of the Slytherin's welcomed Hermione back. She then walked over to Gryffindors. Some of them just glared at Hermione. Harry got up and hugged Hermione.

"Missed you Hermione! Are you alright?" Harry asked.

"I'm fine. How are you?" Hermione asked.

"We can talk about that later. For right now, you must be hungry. Sit and eat." Harry said.

Hermione sat down and said,

"I am actually full. Molly made me breakfast this morning before the twins brought me here."

"What?! You brainwashed my mother too! She knew the truth and you brainwashed her." Ron screamed at Hermione.

Hermione glared at Ron and said,

"Ron I would watch what you are saying. Your mother apologized to me and said that I was part of her family. If you have a problem with me then say it to me. But do not talk about your mother like that."

Hermione turned back around and started to talk to Neville and Ginny about everything that has happened at school since she was gone. Harry and Hermione left to go talk alone. Hermione felt a hand touch her shoulder and she spun around with her wand out. There was Draco scared. He had his hand up in defense. Hermione put her wand down and said,

"Don't do that. You know better than to sneak up on me like that."

Draco smiled and said,

"Sorry Mini. But I wanted to see if you are alright. How did everything go?"

"It was interesting. I have answers that I needed and I got to meet my parents. I know Harry but they are my parents. I care for them. I am still my parents." Hermione stated before Harry could speak.

Harry nodded and they continued to walk. Hermione told Harry and Draco everything that happened when she was with her parents. They were impressed that Hermione kept up a good act on making her parents believe that she has turned evil.

"Wow, so someone tried to impersonate me." Hermione stated surprise.

"Yeah, but it was those twins of yours that knew it was not you. I could not believe on how Fred I think it was scared the death eater into talking and spilling about everything he knows. If he was not all for good I would say that he would be a good death eater." Draco stated with a laugh.

"Well, I would believe that. Fred and George are brilliant men and they have got to know me well the past few months. Also I went to see them before that happened. So they should have figured out that it was not me. I told them that I could not go see you lot at Hogwarts because it was not safe for me." Hermione explained.

"Well, those two are brilliant and if you tell anyone I said that I will lie." Draco stated with a smile.

Hermione smiled and Harry and Hermione both laughed at Draco. They ended up in the potion dungeon. Hermione skipped inside to potions class. They were the first one's there. They were actually early. Hermione went up to the front where Snape was sitting at his desk. He looked up and smiled.

"How can I help you Miss Granger?" Snape asked.

Hermione just shook her head and said,

"Draco, Harry and I need somewhere to talk privately before class starts Severus."

Snape smiled and said,

"What do you want to talk about Princess?"

Hermione laughed at him and said,

"Harry was going to tell me everything that I have missed and please don't call me Princess Sev."

The boys laughed at that and Draco said,

"I think it fits you Princess. At least it's not Dark Princess."

Hermione glared at him and then said,

"Harry what has been going on?"

"Well, you need to know that every does not know that you are Voldemort's daughter but it is obvious that you are Bellatrix's daughter. There is rumors that you were just playing everyone all these years and you knew who you were from the beginning. But I just want to warn you on everything you are going to hear. Also one of the sources of these rumors are from....

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