Chapter 7

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There stood Narrssia Malfoy and Draco Malfoy. It looked like they were having an argument. Tonks cleared her throat and got Mrs. Malfoy and Draco's attention. Draco looked shocked to see me standing there. Narrssia looked to me then to Tonks and asked,

"Tonks what is so important that we had to come here?"

"I had to pick somewhere that was private and secured. There is something I have to tell you." Tonks began to say.

"Is Lucius alright?" Narrssia fretted.

"Lucius is just fine, Narrssia." Tonks said.

Since the war a lot of Death Eater were caught and put into Azkaban. Lucius is one of them that are in Azkaban. The reason Narrssia and Draco Malfoy is not is because they gave us a list of undercover Death Eaters that we did not know about. That was the trade to keep them out of prison.

"What is she doing here?" Draco spatted out.

"Draco be nice!" Narrssia stated to her son.

"The reason Hermione is here is because she is your niece Narrssia and Draco your cousin." Tonks said.

"That can't be. We are not related to any muggles except for your father Tonks." Narrssia said.

"I am not a muggle born. I am actually Hermione Riddle. My parents are Tom Marvolo Riddle and Bellatrix Lestrange." Hermione stated the facts.

"That can't be. I don't remember my sister being pregnant at the same time as me." Narrssia said shocked.

"You wouldn't because she would not leave the Dark Lords side. You remember those times. She is not lying about her parents. I know this to be the truth." Tonks said.

"How do you know that she is not lying?" Draco asked.

"I was there when we kidnapped her when she was a baby." Tonks said with sorrow in her voice. "It was the day before the Potter's death. Dumbledore put a team together to get the child when he heard of the birth. It was Lupin, Author, Diggle, Vance, and I. We were to go save the child and bring her back to Dumbledore. Where he would give her to a muggle family to raise as a muggle born." Tonks told the story of that night.

Narrssia had tears in her eyes. She did not know what to say. But only one word came out.

"Sorry." It was like a whisper. Hermione could barely hear her say it.

"It's not your fault. I know that it was the right thing to do. The Gangers are a sweet couple that raised me wonderfully." Hermione said.

Narrssia went to Hermione and hugged her. Hermione felt the warmth of Narrssia's hug and know that it felt right. Draco had said nothing through the story or now. Hermione forgot he was even there until Tonks said,

"How about you and Draco go upstairs to talk and I can have some time to talk to Narrssia here alone."

I looked to Draco and left the room. He looked lost when we got to the hallway. I lead him into the kitchen and started to make some tea. He was shock that I know where everything was. I looked at him and said,

"I spent last year here with the Weasleys and Sirus Black." I said choking on the last word.

I know that I watched one of my family members die. I did not get to know him at all. I wonder if he knew that I was family to him. Draco coughed to get me out of my thoughts.

"So," Draco started.

"I know this is a lot to take in. It was a lot for me too." Hermione said.

"It is but I think I understand now. I just want to apologies for everything I did to you in the past years." Draco said.

"Forgive and forget." Hermione said handing him some tea.

Draco thanked her and the room went quiet again. Neither of them knows what to say to each other. Hermione finally got her train of thought together to start a conversation.

"I don't know if you want to get to know each other because of our past but I would love to get to know my cousin." Hermione said.

"I would too, what about Weasley and Potter?" Draco asked.

"They do not know. The only people that know are Tonks, Ginny, Fred, George, Aunt Narrssia, and you. Oh yeah and all of the Order." Hermione added.

"Oh ok." Draco said.

"I don't want anyone to know yet. So we are going to have to sneak around and you cannot tell anyone." Hermione said.

"Ok. I understand. You don't want people to look at you differently." Draco said.

"Yes, that is exactly it. I know you would understand. Thank you Draco." Hermione said smiling.

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