Chapter 34

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Today was the day Hermione was going back to Hogwarts. She missed all her friends and her cousin. Hermione was ready to started learning and get back to her classes. She walked down to the kitchen to hear Mrs. Weasley cooking breakfast. Remus and Tonks was already at the table.

"Morning." Hermione said sitting down.

"Hermione dear can you do me a favor and wake up the boys please?" Molly asked.

"Of course Molly." Hermione stated getting up and walking up the stairs to the twins room.

She quietly opened the door up and saw the two boys fast asleep. There was paper on the floor and Hermione walked over to pick it up. She looked at it and saw they were plans for a new idea they were developing for the shop. She smiled and then walked over to George and said quietly,

"George wake up. Your mother has breakfast."

Right after she said breakfast George popped his head up. She laughed at him as he looked around. He looked to Hermione and then to his twin. He looked back to Hermione and could tell she was going to have an evil idea. He sat up on his bed and watched.

Hermione quietly walk over to his bed and whispered,

"Freddie, wakey wakey. Time to get up Mr. Handsome."

George tried not to laugh too loud. She smirked at him and then back to Fred. Fred slowly moved but he was still asleep. Hermione sat on the side of the bed and then leaned down to say something but instead she grabbed the blanket and ripped it off of Fred's bed and ran down the stairs quickly.

Hermione quickly ran into the kitchen. Everyone looked at Hermine confused but before Hermione could say anything Fred grabbed her by the waist and lift her up. Hermione started to squeal and said,

"Put me down Fred. NOW!"

Fred spun her around and then put her down gently. He looked at her in the eyes and they just starred at each other in silence. Fred smiled at Hermione, their faces were so close to each other that they could kiss if they wanted to. But before anything could happen they heard someone cough. Hermione turned around and saw everyone was looking at her. Hermione blushed and did not say anything. Tonks was smirking at Hermione and Molly just had a big grin on her face. Hermione just shook her head and sat down.

"Oh shut up." She said looking at George and Tonks' faces. She knew what they were thinking but did not want to admit anything right now.

Breakfast went by fast. Hermione wished that it was slower because she loved being at the Burrow and was nervous to go back to school. Everyone knew who she was but she did not know how much they know about her.

"What's wrong Hermione dear? You are quiet right now." Molly asked worried.

"It's nothing." Hermione paused and then continued. "It's just I am nervous about going back to school because of rumors about me and what everyone thinks about me and my life."

"Oh dear everything will be alright. I really hope." Molly admitted.

Fred sat next to her and then said,

"Mione, if anyone gives you any problem George and I will come and deal with them if your cousin and friends don't get to them first."

Hermione laughed at the last part. She knew that was the truth about all of it. Hermione went upstairs to get the last of her things and to change into her uniform. Once Hermione got done with getting ready she just sat there in silence. Hermione looked up and saw Tonks and Lupin waiting at the door for her. Hermione smiled to them and Tonks spoke up and asked,


Hermione nodded and got up with her things. She came downstairs to see Fred and George waiting at the door. They turned to smile at her also. Hermione walked over to Molly and gave her a big hug. Molly excepted the hug and said,

"I will see you at Christmas break right?"

Hermione nodded her head and said,

"I can work something out to come and see you all then. I also promised my cousins that I would spend time with them." Hermione looked over to Tonks and smiled.

Molly nodded and looked at the other four and said,

"You all be safe and get her safely back to school."

"Don't worry mamma. Who would want to mess with Hermione Granger! I know I wouldn't" George said with a smirk and wink.

Hermione just shook her head at that. She turned to face them and asked,

"How are we getting there?"

"We will be appearing to Hogsmeade and then us four will be walking you up to the school gates personally. From there a staff member will take you up to the school." Lupin explained.

Hermione nodded. Lupin took her bag and told her to hold onto someone. Fred wrapped his arms around Hermione. She was surprised at first but grinned. She was happy that it was Fred who was going to get her to Hogsmeade.

As they landed in the middle of Hogsmeade it was dead quiet. Some of the shops were open for business but there was no student here today because it was not a visiting day yet. They started to walk up to the school. They stayed quiet. Hermione looked around nervously. Fred grabbed her hand and started to rub the back of it. She looked up at him smiling.

"It's going to be alright Mione."

Hermione nodded and they all continued walking. As they approached the gates Hermione turned to give hugs to everyone. She thanked them for bring her and for trusting her. She stepped right up to Fred and smiled and gave him a hug.

"Thanks Fred for being my rock right now. I don't know what I would if I didn't have you in my life."

"No problem Mione. I am glad that I can help you in some way." Fred smirked as he said it.

Hermione leaned up and kissed him on the check. She waved by to everyone and went through the gates. There waiting for her was....

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