Chapter 16

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"Why is Professor Snape telling me that I can trust him and if I don't believe him that I should go as you?" Hermione asked immediately when she saw Draco and Pansy.

"What are you talking about?" Draco asked confused.

"Professor Snape." Hermione said. Draco looked at her confused. She then said, "Did you tell him anything?"

"No, why would I. I know that he is close to the family but I don't talk to him in school. Why? What is wrong?" Draco asked confused.

"He asked me to stay behind and asked me if I was alright?" Hermione explained to Draco and Pansy everything that Professor Snape and she discussed.

Pansy looked toward Draco all confused and she did not understand the mood change in their strike professor. He never really gave favoritism to all of his students but a few Slytherins. He defiantly would not try to give favoritism to a Gryffindor. Pansy looked at Hermione and said,

"Do you think he knows?"

"That is what I think but I really hope not. I don't know if I can trust him, even if he is in the order." Hermione said then covered her mouth quickly from spilling the order's secret.

Draco was not surprised but Pansy's face was in shock. She did not believe that Snape was one of the good guys. He is a death eater and one of Voldemort's right hand man. He always goes to Snape for advice and suggestions. Pansy could not believe it. Hermione turned to face both of them and said,

"You cannot tell anyone. No one is supposed to know that."

"Then how do you know that?" Pansy asked curious.

"You first have to promise that you won't tell anyone. I have some ideas that you two could help me with." Hermione said with a smile.

She had a great idea to help Harry but she knew that she had to trust him with her biggest secret. She was finally going to tell Harry the truth but she was not ready to tell anyone else. She ran out of the library leaving Draco and Pansy standing there confused.

Hermione ran into the Gryffindor common room and went to the boy's dorm room. There was Harry, Dean, Ron, and Neville sitting around talking. Hermione barged in and all of the guys looked confused. Hermione smile toward the other boys and said hello. Hermione then grabbed Harry's arm and dragged him out of Gryffindor's common room.

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