Chapter 44

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I woke up in his embrace. I smiled to myself. I was glad that I was able to fall asleep again but this time with someone I really care about. I heard someone snicker and I look to see Harry and Draco standing there. I gave them a glare and said,

"Oh shut up. What do you want?"

"We came to see how you are but by the looks of it we can see that you are doing just fine." Harry said smiling.

I tried to give him a glare but I couldn't help but laugh at him. Harry and Draco were just smiling at me and you could see that they were happy for me. I was actually finally happy myself. I know that there is a lot to learn about myself but I had those two there to help me.

"What is with all this noise?" Fred said from behind me.

I couldn't help but laugh even harder now. Fred looked around and smiled at Harry and Draco. Draco gave him a stern look and I just shook my head at him. Fred just shrugged and said,

"What's up everyone?"

"Looks likes you two slept nicely." Harry said.

"Fred and I were just talking and feel asleep in each others arms. That is all that happened. So stop being so protective." I told them

"We will never stops. This is our job our brother and cousin." Harry told me.

I just shook my head and sat up. Madam Pomfrey came in to check up on me. She smiled and asked,

"How are you feeling?"

"Much better. Thanks." I told her.

She nodded and said,

"Headmaster Dumbledore is out here wanting to talk to you."

"Let him in." I said.

She went out and Dumbledore came in. He had a smile on his face and you could see that he was worried about me by his eyes. This man was good at hiding his emotions but you had to know where to look to find a hint of emotions from him. I have learned it was from his eyes.

"Dumbledore I am fine. I just have to learn how to control it." I said.

"I think it would be best to lock it up and for you to never use it." He suggested.

I could see where he was coming from but that was not the answer. I needed to learn how to control the dark magic. I did not need it to control me.

"Dumbledore if I may be honest with you?" I asked. He nodded so I continued,

"If I keep it locked up and never learn how to control it. There will be a day where it will control me and it will go out of control. I need to learn how to control this dark magic. It is part of me and I can feel it every day. I just never knew what it was."

"Of course Miss Granger. I understand where you are coming from. But are you sure?" He asked.

"I am certain. I am sure Severus can help me and of course everyone in the school that is on my side." I shared.

"Of course Hogwarts staff is behind you. We are here to help you Hermione dear." Dumbledore told me. "But you should know is that everyone at school now knows who your father is."

I nodded and knew that was going to happen. Most of the time new travels fast around here mostly over night when it's big news. I looked over to Fred and he just hugged me. I sighed and the said,

"Well, I have to face everyone sooner or later. So lets do it now."

I got up and whipped my outfit off. I smiled when Harry handed me a pile of clothes. The guys followed Dumbledore out of the room so I could get changed. I looked around and then took a deep breath. I knew that once I left this room everything was going to be different. All my heard work of getting people to trust me went down the drain.

"Are you ready?" Harry asked.

I nodded and we headed to the Great Hall. Right when I opened the doors to the Great Hall everyone looked at me and the room went quiet.

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