Chapter 27

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"I do know a few things that order. I know that there is someone amongst us that as a traitor. One of your loyal followers, and I'm sorry to say this daddy but that person is someone that you trust. I'm sorry father to say this but the traitor is Peter Pettigrew." Hermione said pointing at Peter who was in the corner of the room.

Everyone looked surprised. Snape looked at Hermione and he was confused.

What are you doing? Snape asked through his mind.

I am saving our asses! If I did not give him a name then he would figure out that one of us are a traitor.

Hermione gave her aunt a looked to keep quiet. She knew better than to say anything. We were the only ones that knew that Peter was not a traitor but he deserves everything that he gets. Hermione watched as her father go angry. He beckoned Peter over to him. Peter was scared. Everyone knows what is going to happen.

"Master I swear I am no traitor! I worship you! She lies master! She lies to you!" Peter said sacredly.

"How dare you say that about my daughter? She would never lie to us. You are a traitor!" Bellatrix spatted at him.

Voldemort rose his wand and pointed it at Peter. Without another word from anyone all you heard was,

"Avada Kedavra!"

The room stayed quiet. No one said a word. Hermione did not even look at her father. She was too scared to. She felt relief that he was dead. Now Sirius and Harry's parents can rest in peace. Hermione had no sympathy for him. The meeting was over and everyone was dismissed. Hermione headed back to the library and head two sets of footsteps following her.

"Hello Aunt Narssica, Severus."

"Why did you pick him? You could have picked someone else that meant more to him?" Narssica asked.

"I picked Peter Pettigrew as the traitor because of a few reasons. First of all he is the reason my best friend has no parent. He's a traitor to his friends and he deserves it! Another reason is because Peter is one of the most loyal person to Voldemort I know except for my mother." Hermione explained.

Narssica said nothing. She looked over to Severus to see what he has to say. He was looking out the door to make sure no one followed them or was listening. Hermione looked at them both and said,

"Severus could you bring me a few things from Hogwarts?"

"Of course, what would they be?" He asked.

"Knowing the twins they are around there somewhere. I need a few of their pranks. Like two extendable ears, dungbombs, and a small box of exploding rocks. Also tell Harry that Pettigrew is dead. He deserves to know." Hermione said.

"Why do you need those silly little pranks dear?" Narcissa asked.

"Not all of those are pranks aunty. The twins are actually really smart and they have come up with some great inventions that are helpful in certain situations." Hermione said smiling.

*At Hogwarts*

Snape walked into the school and went right to the library. He knew that they would be there. He went right to the back and found a group of students there. The room went quiet when Draco and the others heard someone coming. They turned around and saw Severus Snape.

"I have news." He said.

They all looked at him and waited. He turned to leave and started to head to the headmaster office. They all followed him. Dumbledore was waiting for them. He gestured them to take a seat. He smiled to Fred and George and said,

"I can see you two wasted no time to get down here. What do you have for us Severus?"

"Well, for one thing the Granger girl knows what she's doing. She has tricked over all the death eaters and her parents already. Voldemort figured out he had a traitor with him in the group and he asked Hermione if she knew. She told him that it was Peter Pettigrew."

He looked over to Harry and said,

"He killed him. Voldemort killed Pettigrew. He's dead Harry."

Harry did not know what to say. This was unreal. Harry looked at Snape and asked,

"How is Hermione? Is she alright?"

"Miss Granger is just fine. She is doing better than I expected. But she told me I need to get her a few things from those two." He said pointing to Fred and George.

"What does Hermione need?" Fred asked.

"She said she needs two extendable ears, dungbombs, and a small box of exploding rocks. Can you get those for me?" He asked.

"Yeah, anything for Granger. We can get them as soon as tomorrow." George said.

Snape nodded and was about to leave the room but then turned around and said,

"She wants you all to know that she is doing just fine and wants you to stop worrying about her so much."

"But how does she know that?" Neville asked.

"Because she's Hermione. She knows us all too well. We're like open books to her." Harry said smiling.

They left Dumbledore's office. Fred and George took Dumbledore's floo network to get the supplies for Hermione. They entered their shop and started to grab everything she asked for and a little extra. They sent the package through the floo network to get to Dumbledore faster. As they went downstairs there was a crashing noise. Fred looked at George and they both pulled their wands out to be face- to- face with,

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