Chapter 24

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Dumbledore and Snape looked at the door to find Draco and Harry standing at the door. Dumbledore looked at the two and said,

"Well, I thought I told you to go to bed."

"We were on our way to bed but then I knew that something was up and Draco and I turned around to see what was going on. Good thing we did." Harry said.

"Were you even going to tell us this information if we were not here?" Draco asked angry.

"We would have told you the key points but not all of it." The headmaster stated.

Draco and Harry came into the room to come face to face to the two adults. They just stood there in silence. Harry broke the silence first,

"If Hermione did say that she wanted to be a spy then let's let her do it. I believe in her." Harry said.

"I agree with Potter. Even if I am afraid for her safety but she can do it. You just have to give her a chance." Draco stated.

"Alright boys. I will keep this in consideration. Now will you please go off to bed? It has been a long day for all of us." Dumbledore said escorting the boys out with Snape.

Snape walked along the halls with Harry and Draco. Draco stopped in his tracks and said,

"Professor, do you think it's a good idea?"

Snape turned around and said,

"From what I have seen her do throughout the years here. I think she will be able to do it. She is the brightest witch I have ever meet since my year."

Harry did not know what to say. He was worried for his best friend but she was strong. He believed in her like she believed in him. They went back to their common rooms. Harry entered the Gryffindor common room to hear whispers. He came around the corner and screamed,

"If anyone has a problem of Hermione being related to Malfoy than you have a problem with me. She is still the same Hermione Granger that we know and love."

Everyone stayed queit. They did not know what to say. Neville looked around and said,

"Is she going to be alright? Does the teachers know where she's at?"

"They know where she's at but I can not say. She is safe." Harry said then leaving the common room to go up to his room.

Ginny and Neville got up and followed hime there. They both were worried about Hermione and Ginny knew the truth about who her parents are. So she wants to know the truth.

"Harry, spill." Ginny said entering the room.

"Spill what?" Harry tried to act confused.

"You know what Potter. I have known about Hermione's secret since summer. So you better start talking." Ginny said getting angry.

"I want to know as well. I care for Hermione. She is a close friend to me and if she is in trouble I want to know." Neville said concerned.

Harry sighed and started to explain everything that he knows. Ginny would butt in here and there to fill in the gapes for Neville. They then sat there in silence. Harry told them both to get to bed, that it has been a long day.

Hermione walked around the manor looking at all the different places. She wanted to note everything she sees to bring back to the Order. Anything that was going to be useful would help them out. Hermione did not hear the other foot steps behind her. Hermione turned around with her wand out. On the other end of her wand was Luscious Malfoy. Hermione lowered her wand and said,

"Don't sneak up on a girl like that. I could have hurt you."

"I'm sorry dear niece. I did not mean to scare you." He said with a smirk.

It kind of creeped Hermione out to see Luscious Malfoy smiling. She did not trust him one bit. She looked up at him and asked,

"How may I help you uncle."

"You parents wanted to see you in the dining room." Luscious stated.

They walked in silence all the way down to the dining room. As they entered, it was empty. All you could see was three figures. There stood Aunt Narssica and then by the window was her parents Voldemort and Bellatrix.

"You wanted to see me?" Hermione spoke up.

The three adults looked at the door way and saw Luscious and Hermione standing there. Voldemort walked over to Hermione and said,

"Yes my dear child. I wanted to give you something. I have been waiting to give this to you since you were token away from us." Voldemort started to say. "This has been in the family for years. Now I want you to have it. It will protect you and it will let everyone know that you are my daughter."

Voldemort brought out a necklace. It was in a heart shape. The necklace was a red gem and around the gem was wings. The wings were hugging the gems on the side of the heart. Hermione thought this necklace was beautiful. Hermione let him put it on her. She held it in her hand on the back was engraved with the family crest. Hermione smiled at Voldemort and said,

"Thank you father. It's beautiful, I shall never take it off."

"You are welcome my dear princess. I am just glad that you are home. We have missed you my dear daughter." Voldemort said smiling.

Hermione could not believe that she was seeing this. Was she seeing it right? Does Voldemort really have feelings or is he faking it? Hermione was not sure but she did know that he really did care for her. She could see that in his eyes. Hermione yawned and looked around. She did not realize it was that late. Bellatrix walked over to Hermione and Voldemort and said,

"It's been a long day. How about you head off to bed?"

"Yes please. But I don't remember where my room is." Hermione said.

"I will take you Hermione." Narssica said standing up from where she was sitting.

Hermione and Narssica started to walk down the hall in silence and when they were far away from everyone Narssica stopped in her tracks and said,

"What happened?"

"I was tricked and lured out of Hogwarts by Bellatrix's patronus. She kidnapped me and brought me here." Hermione whispered to her aunt.

"Are the Order going to come and save you?" Narssica asked concerned.

"Not yet. I told Snape that I want to stay here for a while to get some information for the Order. My father trusts me and I know that he will tell me everything that I want to know." Hermione said.

She paused when she said father. It was weird calling him her father. She did not know what to think about any of this. Narssica nodded and they walked to Hermione's room. She said good night to her aunt and went to bed. Right when her head hit the pillow she was out like a light. Hermione hopes that this was all just a dream and that when she wakes up she will be in her bed at Hogwarts.

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