Chapter 8

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They talked for a while and then Hermione and Draco heard Narcissa calling for both of them to come back. They walked back talking and laughing. Tonks was happy that Hermione was laughing and smile. It has been a rough few days with all the stuff that she found out. Narcissa smiled as both came in and said,

"It's time to go Draco. We must get back before it gets too late."

"I will owl you later and we will see each other on the train, right?" Draco asked.

"Of course, I am getting there early. So maybe we could meet somewhere and hang out." Hermione said.

"That's a good idea and you can sit with me and my friends. If you want to?" Draco asked.

"I will have to see about that. If Harry, Ron, and Ginny drag me away then I might have to sneak away. But I will see what I can do." Hermione told Draco.

"Well, if those two drag you away then that is not going to be okay. They can keep you for only a few minutes. Then you are with me the rest of the time. I want to get to know my cousin better." Draco stated.

Hermione smiled and said,

"I will see what I can do. Bye for now, then."

Draco nodded and gave Hermione a hug. She was not use to that but it felt right. She also gave a hug to Aunt Narcissa. Narcissa was not expecting that to happen but she liked it. Hermione was happy and felt whole again. Since she found out that she was adopted, she has had a hole in her heart that needed to be filled. Now it was getting filled by the love of her cousin and aunt.

*September 1st *

Hermione got onto the platform and she said her goodbyes to Tonks. Hermione thanked her for everything she did for her. Hermione had this place in her heart that was just for Tonks. Hermione started to look for Draco and Aunt Narcissa. She saw the blonde hair duo. Hermione walked up to them and said,

"There you are Draco. I was looking all over for you. I thought you went onto the train without me."

"I would never do that to you Hermione. Don't worry, I was waiting right here for you." Draco stated.

They said goodbye to Narcissa and headed onto the train to talk a little bit before everyone comes. As people started to come on, Hermione looked around and stated,

"I should go find Harry, Ron, and Ginny. They are probably looking for me."

"Alright but they can't keep you long. After you talk to them a little bit you come back here and hang out with me for the rest of the time." Draco said.

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