Chapter 39

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"Is that all Miss Granger?" She asked.

"No, I was thinking. I don't want to cause so much drama and right now with all the drama and the distractions with classes. I think I should may be have other options until this all calms down." Hermione suggested.

"What type of options are you thinking of?" McGonagall asked.

"Well, I was thinking about private studies. But I would like it to be alright with all of the teachers here and as well as Dumbledore. I just want to focus on my studies and help Harry out because of being his best friend." Hermione shared with her.

You could see in her eyes that she was not sure what to think. Of course, Hermione could do it. She was smart enough to do her own independent study. McGonagall sighed and thought about it for a second and asked,

"Are you sure Miss Granger?"

"I have thought about it and this would be best for me. I can do all my work whenever I want and it would be at my leave of learning. I think this would be the best idea ever." Hermione explained.

McGonagall told Hermione that she would talk to Dumbledore about it all and see what he thinks. Hermione walked down to the library and sat in her favorite spot in the back. It was in the back of the library near the restricted section and right behind the history section. No one ever came back there unless they wanted to make out but there was barely anyone that would do that now a day because it was so called 'uncool' to make out in the library. Hermione just smiled to herself as she thought about all of that stuff.

Hermione heard footsteps and turned to see Fred standing there. She could not believe her eyes. He was here at Hogwarts. Hermione got up quickly and wrapped her arms around him to give him a hug.

"What are you doing here? How did you get in?" Hermione asked curious.

"You have a great best friend. Harry was able to talk to Dumbledore and allow George and myself on the grounds to be here for you." Fred explained.

"Where is George? Why is it just you here right now?" Hermione asked.

Fred gave her a dramatic hurt look. Hermione laughed and continued,

"It great to see you first alone but I am just curious on what your twin brother is doing."

Fred smiled and said,

"He is not getting into trouble if that is what you are worried about. He is just hanging out with Harry and the others. They thought it would be a good idea for just one of us to see you right now. Harry and Neville caught us up with what happened."

Hermione sighed and just sat down on the couch. She started to feel a tear come down her cheek. She felt an arm wrap around her and pull her into them. Hermione just started to cry in Fred's arms. She did not know what why she was crying. They sat there in silence for a while and Hermione felt comfortable being around Fred. She hated to cry and mostly around her best friends.

"I don't get why I was crying. I hate crying." Hermione said.

"Hermione it's alright to cry sometimes. You are stressed and I know you are because I can see it in your eyes. I know you try to hide it from everyone and put a brave face on but you can't hide it from me. You don't have to hide it from me." Fred explained.

"But I have to be brave and not show fear." Hermione tried to explain.

Fred stopped her and said,

"Hermione, you do not always have to be brave. It's alright to show people that you need help. But if I must tell you the truth, you are the most amazing and bravest person I know. I am not even talking about everything you have done for the wizarding world. I am just talking about just you and your personality. You put everyone before yourself and make sure that they are alright and safe. That is why Harry and Ron are so lucky to have them as your best friend." Fred explained.

Hermione smiled and thanked Fred for all those sweet words. They sat there quietly and Hermione thought about everything Fred had said to her. She looked over to Fred and saw him flipping through a book randomly. He looked up at her and smiled. Hermione gave him a big smile and said,

"Well, there's that beautiful smile. I have an idea for you."

Hermione raised her eyebrow giving him a look. That is all she needed to do to get her thoughts across to him. Fred grinned to her and said,

"Hear me out. If you ever need someone to talk to and even cry to I am here. All you have to do is owl me or send me a patronus. I will come."

Hermione smiled and asked,

"How do you know that I perfected my patronus and can use it to communicate with others?"

"Because it's you. I know that we were trying to learn it in DA. But everyone knows when you are determined to finish what you do." Fred shared.

Hermione smiled and gave Fred a hug. She thanked him and told him that she would remember that. She got up and sighed. Fred gave her a look and saw that Hermione had her hand out to him. He accepted the gesture and they both walked out of the library.

"Where are you taking me?" Fred asked.

"There is only one spot I know everyone is. They are waiting for us." Hermione explained.

They went by the tree near the lake. You could see a group of people sitting there. If you did not know about the drama that has been going on in Hogwarts then you would never realize this and believe this was even possible. There sitting there was Hermione's true friends that cared and loved her.

"There you are. Took you long enough. Thought we were going to need to have a search party again for you." Draco teased.

Hermione gave Draco a shove and sat down with the others. Fred sat down next to Hermione and let her lean on him. The rest of the day was like this. Hermione loved that she could hang out with her friends and the people she cared about. The sun started to go down and Harry sighed and said,

"Let's get go to the Great Hall for dinner."

"Do we have to go to the Great Hall?" Hermione asked.

Fred smiled and had an idea. He told them to meet him on the seventh floor in ten minutes. Hermione walked up with the others to the seventh floor and waited there.

"Do you know what Fred has planned?" Ginny asked.

Hermione shrugged and looked over to George. He shrugged too and Draco said,

"Wow the other half doesn't know what his twin is doing. That is something new."

Hermione just shook her head and smirked at her friends joking with each other. It was something new. She loved how all her friends could be so comfortable with her new Slytherin friends. Pansy stood by Hermione and Ginny smirking at Draco argue with George and Harry. Right then Fred came through the Room of Requirement's door. He smiled at everyone and led them into the room.

"Dinner is served!" Fred said.

Hermione looked over to Fred in surprised. She loved that he actually did this. Everyone sat down around the big round table. Hermione could not have thought a better way to end her night better than this. She was surrounded by friends and the people she loved. Even though there has been a lot of drama around the school she knew she could always trust her friends to keep her up right and happy.

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