'Just a Friend' Part 5

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Please don't hate me . . . . . .
PLEASE don't hate me . . . . . .

"Darth Vader, the Sith Lord?!" Hera whisper - shrieked. Sabine nodded, eyes wide. Many thoughts raced through Hera's mind. How did he know it was them? What did he want with them? Was he simply going to kill them? Do they go along with the Stormtroopers?

She was interupted from these thoughts as she watched Ezra gently take Sabine's hand. She stiffened, but didn't pull out. Hera internally sighed in relief that their relationship wasn't compleatly wrecked.

But the moment was gone when the Stormtrooper Comander spoke.

"Come with us now or we'll fire." 30 Stormtroopers simultaneously pointed their charged guns at the rebels. Kanan threw his hands in the air, a move that totally suprised Hera.

"We surrender," he said, again shocking Hera. She couldn't believe what the Jedi was doing.

When Kanan realized everyone was staring at him, he sighed and said, "There's too many. Let's just see where this road takes us." The others continued staring at the uncharacteristicly peaceful Jedi, but listened to his advice and slowly put their hands up.

The Commander appeared satisfied and nodded over his shoulder. "Move out," he said, both to his troops and to the rebels. Ten of the troopers boarded the ship and got behind the rebels, handcuffing them and pushing them down the ramp. Ezra didn't let go of Sabine's hand even as they were being handcuffed. He wanted her to know he was always there for her.

As they began walking, Ezra noticed that there was a multitude of tie's in the hanger. He wondered why their were so many.

The Stormtroopers led them down a hall, down another hall, then another, another, one more, and a last one, until they arrived in a really big room Ezra didn't even know exhisted. It was three-quarters the size of a hanger and seemed to serve absolutly no purpose at all. There was litteraly nothing in there except Vader and some short person next to him. They were wearing a cloak so it was hard to tell what it was.

Ezra let go of Sabine's hand and walked over to Kanan. He could sense his masters suprise and disturbance.

"Psst, Kanan," he whispered and they continued walking forward. "What's wrong? I feel like your suprised, or, or maybe disturbed about something. What is it?" Kanan shook his head. He spoke urgently.

"Ezra, remember your training. Remember you are not a sith. Do not fall into the temptations of using your hate and anger. And above all, no matter what is about to happen, you must understand it is not your fault."

Ezra walked a few steps away from Kanan, being so thouroghly confused that he forgot where he was for a second. But a quick jab to the ribs from Zeb brought him back to the present.

Everyone simultaneously stopped walking several feet from Vader and The Cloaked. The Stromtroopers went behind the Rebels so they were closest to the Sith.

There was many moments of silence, one of the Sith's favorite mind games. Vader soon broke it and began speaking.

"I'm sure your wondering why your here. How I knew it was you in the ship. What this room is." He began walking back and forth, hands behind his back, cape swishing.

"Who that is," he continued, throwing a look at The Cloaked. "What I'm going to do with you," he turned back and started walking the oposite way.

"Well," he breathed, finally coming to a standstill. He went statue mode for a moment, staring at the silent rebels before him. "Here's the answer to all those questions."

Suddenly every trooper in the room circled the rebels, guns raised, sights locked.

Heart beating wildy, Ezra thought it was going to be lights out for the crew. He cringed, closed his eyes, and grabbed Sabine's hand again. This wasn't how he wanted to go out. At least this time Sabine squeezed Ezra's hand back, forgiving him.

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