Chapter 6: Did She Kiss Back?

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“We’re all going to ride with the girls for the first half of the drive!” he shouted out. “We’re going to play truth or dare and eat carrots and play and—“

“We get it Lou,” I said cutting him off as we walked onto the bus. “So much for my nap, huh?” I asked looking over at Harry.

“If you want to nap then you can rest at the back,” Niall suggested from his spot on a small couch. “We’ll do our best to keep quiet.” I mouthed a thank you at him as I took in the impressive vehicle. Louis was bouncing around the room with Harry following. Niall was eating a snack as always, and Annie, who had finally woken up, was sitting on the couch talking with Zayn.

“We’re ready to go,” Liam’s familiar voice said from behind me. I turned around to take him in. His hair was limp, and the bags under his eyes were noticeable. He was pale and unhappy. I wanted to reach out a hand and stroke his cheek, but I held myself back. I glanced over my shoulder at Annie who was still happily chatting with Zayn. Had he been up all night thinking about her? I could feel the tears rushing to my eyes.

“I’m going to go rest,” I shot out before running from the main room on the bus. I kept walking forward until I came up a small room with a bed at the end. This was far enough away that I was sure no one could hear me crying. I sat on the bed and pulled my iPod from my pocket shoving the earbuds into my ears. I hit shuffle and “Moments” started playing through the earbuds.

Shut the door

Turn the light off

I wanna be with you

I wanna feel your love

I wanna lay beside you

I cannot hide this

Even though I try

I hit pause as the tears fell down my face. Why did it have to be him singing right at that moment? Stupid music playlist! If only he really did feel that way about me. But it was Annie he had feelings for; not me. I scrolled through my playlist landing on “All Time Low” by the Wanted. I hit play letting the lyrics wash over me.

Praying won't do it

Hating won't do it

Drinking won't do it

Fighting won't knock you out

Of my head

Hiding won't hide it

Smiling won't hide it

Like I ain't tried it

Everyone's tried it now

And failed somehow

So when you gonna let me

When you gonna let me out - Out

And if you know

How do you get up from an all time low

I'm in pieces

Seems like peace is

The only thing I'll never know

How do you get up

Get up

I snuggled up against the pillow at the top of the bed as my tears fell. Why did I have to have a crush on Liam Payne? Why did he have to have a crush on Annie?

'Cos driving won't do it

Flying won't do it

Denying won't do it

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