Chapter 3: Give Us One Good Reason

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[AN: I really should be in bed right now...]

Samantha’s POV

“Sam,” I heard Annie whispering from somewhere above me. I snuggled deeper into my pillow. “Sam!”

“I don’t wanna smell the purple,” I mumbled out. She reached out and started shaking me finally bringing me out of my perfect dream. All the boys of One Direction had been professing their love for me. They were going to let me choose who I wanted to be with. A pretty hard choice if you ask me. I cracked open one eye and watched Annie as she hovered over my bed.

“Sam, Liam Payne called me!” she whispered excitedly.

“What time is it?”

“I don’t know. Two in the morning, why?”

“Tell me about your dream later,” I said rolling over and attempting to fall back asleep.

“Sammy, it wasn’t a dream!” I groaned as she grabbed my shoulders and rolled me over. “Liam Payne of One Direction actually called me! Do you know what this means?” I gave up finally sitting up in my bed and rubbing my eyes. When my vision finally cleared I realized that Annie was literally bouncing around the room.

“Anners, please calm down,” I said as she continued to squeal excitedly under her breath. She took a deep breath and then faced me again. “Now say it again slowly.”

“LiamPaynecalledandwewonthecontestandwegettogoontourwithOneDirectionforanentiremonthandtheycometopickusuptomorrow!” I rolled my eyes.

“That wasn’t slow at all,” I complained.

“Fine,” she harrumphed. “I’ll make this simple. WE. WON!” Her words finally registered with me. I let out an excited squeal and hopped off the bed to join my hands with her. We started screeching at the top of our lungs as we jumped up and down. We had done it! We were going to tour with One Direction for an entire month!!!

“What the hell, you two?” Nora said waltzing into our room. “Do you realize what time it is?” We both turned with twin grins on our faces.

“We won!” I screamed at the top of my lungs while Nora watched us in confusion. We continued to bounce around reveling in the news. It took several minutes until we realized that Nora was yelling at us.

“Would you two shut up and sit down, please?” Nora shouted. We obediently plopped down on Annie’s bed smiling up at Nora. “I think you popped one of my ear drums. Now what is going on in here?”

“We won,” Annie said with a maniacally happy grin across her face. I didn’t need a mirror to tell me that my own smile matched hers.

“Won what?” Nora asked tightening the belt of her robe.

“The contest,” I said. She still looked confused. “You know. The one where we get to go on tour for a month with One Direction.” Something finally clicked on in Nora’s brain.

“You won?” she asked with a shocked face.

“That’s what we’ve been saying,” Annie said laughing now. “They are picking us up tomorrow. We get our own tour bus and everything. We’ll be traveling all along the west coast with our favorite group of all time!”

“No.” She said it so softly that we almost didn’t hear her. Annie and I both turned to look over at Nora who looked shocked and nervous all at once.

“What did you say?” I asked. Maybe we had misheard.

“You’re not going,” Nora said plainly. “No.”

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