Chapter 10: Why Can't You Let Him Go?

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[AN: I bought a couch today! It gets delivered Wednesday, and then I just have to assemble it. IKEA furniture is weird like that. And I have this Saturday off to go to this science expo thing with my stepfather who is loads of fun to hang out with! So once I get back from that I am going to spend my weekend updating all my stories! Because I love you all so much!!!]


I tried not to giggle as I realized that Niall was sitting out in an open field perched directly under a rainbow. I had so many leprechaun jokes running in my head though. Seriously. Did the boy even realize where he had plunked himself down?  I waded through the tall grass and made my way over to him. As I stood there behind him I studied his bright blonde head. His hair was mussed from running his hands through it. This was all my fault. He had only yelled at Louis because he was mad at me.

“Go away,” Niall harrumphed.

“Yeah,” I said plopping down next to him. “That’s not going to happen. Can we talk?”

“I’m not in the mood to talk.” I sighed and sat there enjoying the quiet for a moment. Eventually he would have to cave in, right? Another five minutes passed, and I swear I was going to pass out from sheer boredom. [AN: I am super impatient!] I started to hum a song, and before long I was singing the words out loud. [AN: This is “Candles” by Hey Monday. I have been kind of obsessive about it lately.]

The power lines went out

And I am all alone

But I don't really care at all

Not answering my phone

All the games you played

The promises you made

Couldn't finish what you started

Only darkness still remains

Lost sight

Couldn't see

When it was you and me

Blow the candles out

Looks like a solo tonight

I'm beginning to see the light

Blow the candles out

Looks like a solo tonight

But I think I'll be al—

“Do you mind?” Niall growled. I shifted nervously and coughed.

“Sorry,” I said with a shrug. “It was playing on my iPod earlier, and it’s kind of stuck in my head.”

“It’s fine,” Niall said. “Can you please just go?” Okay, this was enough of pouty little Irish boy. I moved over until I was sitting directly in front of him. I gasped when he looked up in annoyance. His crystal clear blue eyes were clouded with worry and anger.


“No! You don’t get to call me that anymore! Why don’t you just go back to Louis?” Wait, what? What does Louis have to do with this?

“Ni, we need to talk.”

“Nor, no we don’t.” I groaned as I realized he was more stubborn than even Annie. How was I going to get him to tell me exactly what was wrong. “Just go be with Lou.”

“Why do you keep bringing up Louis?!?”

“He’s the other guy, isn’t he?”

“What other guy?”

One Month Headed In One DirectionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz