Chapter 29: I Missed You

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[AN: Can I just say your comments for the last chapter made me smile so much! You were all so upset that it showed me how invested you are in the characters I have written. Thank you! I love your enthusiasm so much! You are the best pocket family ever!]



“This is the most depressing tour I have ever been on,” Ammie grumbled from her seat next to me backstage. “Not that I’ve been on a tour before but still. Niall and I can’t even cuddle without feeling like we’re shoving our happy relationship in the faces of the other boys.”

“I know what you mean,” I sighed. “Harry is always busy comforting Lou. Last night he made Lou all his favorite foods while we watched chick flicks. It’s like having this big, sobbing baby dressed in stripes.”

“We could try calling Nora again,” Ammie suggested.

“She changed her number remember?” Nora had effectively cut us all off from her and her sisters. In one short hour they had packed their things and left. Annie and Samantha had protested even racing from the cab twice each. Louis had tried to convince Nora to stay and talk things out. She had quickly turned him down. I still remember what she said to him before getting into the cab.


“I’m sorry Lou,” Nora said. “But I promised him.”

“Promised who?!?” Louis shouted. “You can’t just leave! I thought you loved me!!!”

“I do,” she said simply reaching up to kiss his cheek softly. “That’s why I have to do this quickly before my heart realizes what’s happening.” Then she backed away from him climbing into the cab as they drove off.


I still didn’t know what promise she was talking about. She wouldn’t tell any of us. Even when Annie and Sam had sworn at her, kicked at her, and threatened to run away she hadn’t said anymore. I could only imagine how tense things were at their home now.

“We know where they live right?” Ammie asked out of the blue. I looked at her and nodded. I can’t imagine Nora would have the ability to disappear to a new apartment because their finances were so tight. The boys had intended to follow them back to Washington, but their management wouldn’t allow it. The boys still had shows to perform in the Midwest and on the east coast. Our final show of the tour was next week in Texas.

“If you’re going to suggest that we ride in and kidnap them stop right there,” Kate cut in. Yes. Somehow Kate had stuck with us. Nora had left Kate behind when she discovered that she had run away from her home. Nora told her to make things right with her mother before coming back to get to know Sam. Instead Kate had chosen to become a groupie of sorts on the boys’ tour. Not even Liam made her go back to her mother. I suspected he considered her to be his last link to Sam. He cared for Kate like she was his own baby sister.

“Of course not,” Ammie replied seriously. “We don’t have any horses. How on Earth could we ride in?” Kate slapped a hand over her mouth trying to contain the laughter spilling from her mouth. Leave it to Ammie to brighten up the mood. She and Niall both did their best to keep our spirits up by acting like complete goofballs. I was so thankful for that.

“So what are you suggesting?” I asked. Ammie started to reply when the screaming from the stage got louder as the boys slammed into the dressing room. I guess the concert had finally finished. I felt a smile stretch across my face as Harry ran to me pulling me into his arms.

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