Chapter 18: When I'm Next To You

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[AN: This  chapter is dedicated to my newest pocket friend @vintageFEATHER. That's right. I am slowly adopting people and putting them in my pocket and feeding them cookies to sustain them. It's starting to get awfully crowded in my pockets here. I need to stop staying up so late...]


“So what exactly is it that you do again?” Louis asked from where he was sprawled on my bunk. I rolled my eyes ignoring him as I focused on my laptop. I wasn’t kidding when I said I had work to catch up on. I still had five more spreadsheets to edit.  “Nora Lee, tell me please?” he begged in a sing song voice.

“My middle name is not Lee,” I snapped as I tried again to make sense of a formula on the spreadsheet. The numbers I was getting just didn’t make sense.

“Then what is your middle name?”

“Lou, I’m trying to work here!” I looked over to see him rolling his eyes at my anger. “Not all of us are international popstars. If I don’t finish these I don’t get paid.”

“And what are these exactly?"

“I work on statistics and make projections on my company’s revenue and occupancy for the coming year.” [AN: I actually do all our statistics for my work.]

“See! I got you to tell me!” I held in my laugh as he cheered towards an imaginary crowd. “Now tell me your middle name.”

“It’s not exactly a secret,” I said. “It’s Linnea.”

“Nora Linnea Turner. What a beautiful name.” I smiled as he said my name. I felt my heart race a little as he smiled over at me. I shook my head and quickly returned to my work. No Nora. He’s not David. I promised David that it would always be him. Only him. I looked down and fiddled with the ring on my left hand. David had saved up for months to pay for it. The diamond was so miniscule, but the effort behind it showed how much he loved me.

“Louis, could you either stay silent, or go please? I need to get this work done.” I didn’t look up not wanting to see his disappointed face. I stared at my computer screen knowing that my concentration was shot. I always needed noise to get any work done. It always annoyed my manager when I had the radio blaring in my office. He was silent for several long minutes before he started to hum. I quickly realized he was humming one of my favorite Ed Sheeran songs. Before long I was singing along with him.

[AN: I am having an Ed Sheeran music crush right now. LOVE this song! It’s Where We Land and the song is attached at the side.]

Treat me beneath this clear night sky

And I will lie with you

I start to feel those butterflies

When I'm next to you

Tell me your secrets

Give me a friend

Let all the good times flood in

Do I love you?

Do I hate you?

I can't make up my mind

So let's freefall

See where we land

It's been this way since we were young

We'll fight and then make up

I'll breathe your air into my lungs

When I feel your touch

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