Chapter 14: Just a Dream

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“Can you believe that you’re getting married today?” Nora asked with a sweet smile as she fixed my hair. I’m getting married? I looked down to see that I was indeed in a wedding dress and somehow standing on a concert stage. Where did Nora go off to?

“You’re supposed to walk forward,” Ammie squealed from behind me. “He’s waiting.” She shoved me forward and I stumbled the last few steps towards a man in a suit whose back was turned to me. When he flipped around his smile stopped my heart. Those curls. Those green eyes. That cheeky grin.

“Y—you’re—.” I broke off completely flabbergasted.

“Harry. Freaking. Styles,” he said rolling his eyes. “I thought you got over the star struck phase ages ago love.”

“I—are we—I’m getting married to--,” I blubbered out unable to form a coherent sentence.

“Care Bear, it’s out wedding day,” Harry said in a loud whisper. “Our family and friends are waiting to celebrate with us. Are you going to be okay? Carrie? Carrie? CARRIE!!”

My vision started to blur as Harry disappeared, and my mind swam back to consciousness. I cracked open my eyes as I realized my bed was bouncing, and I was at home in my own bedroom. It had all been a dream. Leave it to me to dream that I was marrying Harry Styles. Just because he talked to me on video chat and the phone didn’t mean that he saw me as anything more than Nora’s friend. I closed my eyes again and sighed before a loud noise startled me awake again. I opened my eyes to see my roommate Ammie literally bouncing from wall to wall in my room. Shockingly enough this is what she was always like even without the addition of sugar or caffeine. Of course she is much worse when she gets a can of coke in her hand.

"CARRIE!!" Ammie shouted running over and shaking my shoulders. "CARRIE!! WE GET TO MEET ONE DIRECTION!" I sat up and pushed her off of me.

"Ammie, calm down," I said with a yawn. "What are you talking about?"

"Harry Styles invited us to their concert prep today at the arena! He said we just have to call Nora when we get there, and she will get us in! Get dressed NOW!" Harry invited me to come and see them prepare for their concert? My mind was still clouded with sleep so it took me another few seconds before I processed everything she had said.

"What do you mean 'we?' And how do you know all of this?" I asked glaring at her. That's when I saw it clutched in her hand. "Is that my phone?"

"I might have made a few calls in your name," she admitted sheepishly.

"What have I told you about stealing my phone?" I shouted racing after her as she ran out of the room with it clutched in her hands. "I'm going to kill you Ammie!" I raced around the house before losing sight of her near the kitchen. “Ammie!” I screamed rounding the corner  into the kitchen and coming to a dead halt. There she sat twirling a strand of her hair as she ate a cookie as if I hadn’t just been chasing her for the last few minutes. I glanced at the clock on the microwave. Who eats cookies at eight in the morning? Ammie, that’s who. My phone was carefully placed on the counter innocently plugged into my charger.

I wanted to be mad at her. I really did, but getting mad at Ammie was completely pointless. You could lecture her for ages and try to make her feel guilty, but it never worked. At the end of your lecture she would just smile and then hold out a bag of cookies asking if you wanted one.  I don’t know how she did it, but that girl always had an endless supply of cookies on her.

“So  are you going to get dressed or what?” she asked studying my pajamas. I glanced down and smiled at the Rainbow Brite pajama pants I was wearing. They were one of my favorite pairs. “Carrie the sooner you get dressed the sooner I get to meet the boys.” I scoffed as I trudged upstairs and threw on jeans and an old Ramones t-shirt. Of course Ammie had to go and make it all about her. She and I had found one another by chance while looking at a bulletin board of rental postings downtown. Ammie had quickly informed me that I didn’t look like a serial killer so we should totally be roommates. I remember cracking up before quickly agreeing. Somehow we had become fast friends and bonded over our love of 1D. It was safe to say that she was my best friend. Twenty minutes later I found myself clutching the passenger side door as Ammie drove erratically towards the arena.

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