Chapter 20: Love Of My Life? Stop Right There Brain.

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[AN: "Oh my Goodness! She finally posted! What the heck took her so long? Promises to post a bunch while on her vacation my ass." I know you're all thinking that so I said it before you could. I really need to stop making promises about my posting because I almost always never follow through on them. I am so dang unreliable. I will say that I am working on more chapters and the final chapter for "Not Over You" as well as the third book of that series called "Breaking Your Own Heart." I am actually uber excited to write that one because I already have detailed plans for it.

I have to go back to work on Friday which sounds like hell to me, but I have to pay the bills somehow. Forgive me but I have spent most of my vacation with my stepdad's mom who is like my only real grandparent left. And I have been babysitting my nieces a ton. I curled up on this big dog shaped pillow they have in their playroom and asked Eliza if she wanted to snuggle the puppy with me and she curled up next to me while I read her a book. Then her sister Clara sat while I read her a book and giggled and swayed as I sang her "What Makes You Beautiful." Sorry. I am a super obsessed auntie obviously. I'm just going to stop typing now because I am pretty sure you all skipped this and just started reading the story part.]


“So Annie, have you told Zayn that you love him yet?”

That question kept swirling around in my brain as I sat at the table. In love? With Zayn? I couldn’t be. Sure he made my heart race, and I spent most of my time craving kisses from him but I wasn’t in love. How could I be in love with someone who used me like that? Someone who was more than willing to cheat on his girlfriend, open relationship or not.

“Are you just going to stare at your lunch all day? Annie? Hello?” I looked up in annoyance at the girl in front of me. Speak of the devil. “You shouldn’t let good food go to waste,” Christine said flashing me a sincere smile.

“Why are we here again?” I asked looking around the crowded mall food court. Christine had dragged Zayn and I along with her and Nathan before declaring that we would be having a girl’s day out. Nathan had merely groaned as she dragged me away. Zayn had said nothing just standing there in shock. Before I knew it we were at the local mall having lunch.

“I told you silly!” Christine said in an overenthusiastic voice. “We are having a day with just us girls. Besides if we invited the boys we would get mobbed by fans right? I simply nodded as she continued to babble on. I studied her blonde hair and blue eyes wanting desperately to hate her. She had been good enough for Zayn to ask out. She was lucky enough to call herself Zayn Mailk’s girlfriend. How could she just break up with him like that? How could she cheat on him like that? I mean Zayn cheated too so I guess he was a little at fault too, but still. My head hurts.

“Could you please just shut up?” I asked smacking my head on the hard table. “I just want to go back home.” She fell silent as the noisy crowd buzzed around us. It was unnerving enough that I lifted my head up to see her studying me closely.

“You’re afraid to admit you love him aren’t you?” I blinked at her startling blue eyes as she gave me a sympathetic look. “I had this whole plan, but I’m just going to scrap it. Until you’re ready to admit your feelings nothing is going to happen.”

“Wait. What?” I am so lost right now.

“Until you are ready to admit that you love Zayn I can’t be of any real help.”

“I don’t love Zayn!” The crowds closest to us grew silent at my shout. Whoops. I didn’t mean to say it that loud.

“Methinks she doth protest too much.” I shot Christine a dirty look. “I like you Annie. I think you and Zayn would be good together.”

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