Chapter 24: Family Meeting

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  • Dedicated to My Pocket Family!!!

[AN: So I’m dedicating this chapter to my entire pocket family because I love you all so much! If I could I would hug you all Instead I am hugging my cat and pretending he is all of you. *pauses* Yeah….that sounds a lot creepier now that I have typed it out. Hmmm… Let’s just pretend it isn’t creepy okay?]


“FAMILY MEETING!!!” Nora shouted out as we all piled into the hotel after the concert. We were in LA for at least two more days so we thankfully slept in a hotel and not the bus. We had an entire floor rented out for us, and we were currently filing into the hallway now.

“Have fun with that!” Niall said dragging Ammie into his suite along with him. Carrie and Harry soon followed as well. Zayn looked like he wanted to stay behind, but Chris and Nathan dragged him into his room next to Niall’s.

“So where are we having this family meeting?” Louis asked happily.

“YOU are not invited,” Nora said with a dark glare causing Lou’s smile to fade. “This is a meeting about our FAMILY. You are not part of the family Lou.”

“But I thought—“

“Just go. Whatever you thought was—just go.” Nora closed her eyes as she waited for Louis’ footsteps to fade away.

“Harsh much?” Annie asked her.

“It’s none of your business,” Nora shot back.

“But I thought we were family,” Annie said with smirk. “Doesn’t family share everything?”

“Obviously that is something we will have to discuss with this family meeting,” Nora sighed. I gave Sam a quick kiss on the cheek and started to walk to my room. If Louis wasn’t invited to the family meeting I sure wasn’t. “Stop right there.”

“You are choking me Nora,” I said as I realized she had grabbed me by my shirt collar.

“Sorry,” she said, but her hold did not loosen. “Where are you going?”

“To my room,” I sighed as she tugged me along to the girls’ suite. “I thought you all were having a family meeting.”

“We are,” Nora said opening the door and gesturing the three girls inside before dragging me in with her.

“So don’t you want me to leave you alone?”

“You’re dating my sister right?” My eyes flickered over to Sammy who looked pleased that Nora still referred to her as her sister.

“Yeah, but I thought—“

“And you love her right?” I looked over at Sammy who watched me with shocked eyes. We had been dating for a short time so we hadn’t exactly said that to each other yet. I mean,  I was planning to, but not yet. I wanted the timing to be perfect. I was going to take her out to a beautiful dinner. We would then take a nice walk on the beach where I would tell her just how I felt about h— “Liam! Earth to Liam!”

“I’m sorry. What?”

“You love Sammy right?” I glanced at Nora before looking back at an expectant Sammy. This wasn’t at all like my plan.

“Of course—“

“Good.” Nora cut me off again still twisting my shirt collar in her hand. Seriously. What is her problem? She barely let me get two words out. “So that means you definitely see this relationship going further than just dating right?” I feel slightly faint now. Why is she even asking this? “Liam?”

“Yes okay?” I said looking over as Kate, Annie, and Samantha watched me with amusement in their eyes. “Not that it’s any of your business, but I do see a future with Sam.”

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