Chapter 19: Who Is Kate?

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[AN: So here it is! You finally get to find out who Kate is. I am positive once you all read this chapter you are going to be all…. “oh.” It’s not that exciting of a reveal. I just dragged it out for far too long. Also, a big thank you to Woolen_hat_girl for the character of Kate. I hope you enjoy how I add her to the story!]



I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I ignored it because I already knew who it was. She couldn’t seem to leave me alone. I turned back to focus my gaze on Liam who was on his twitter as we hung out outside the arena. We had snuck away from the group to have a little quiet time for once. I still had a lot of questions for Nora and Annie, who both seemed to be having their own little dramas, but I needed a break right now. Plus Nora had made it her goal to keep Liam and I from having any quality time alone together.

“What are you smiling at?” I asked peering over his shoulder. He smiled back at me leaning in for a kiss, but I pulled away. “No way. The dare is still on. No kissing me.”

“I really hate that game,” he said pulling a sour face. I laughed. He was pouting like a little kid all because he couldn’t kiss me. Sure, I wanted to kiss him, but it was kind of fun to tease him. He looked over at me hopefully. “You could still kiss me.”

“I’ll think it over,” I said laughing harder as he pouted. “So what are you looking at?”

“Since you’re choosing not to kiss me I’m choosing not to tell you.”

“You are such a four year old sometimes Li. And I never said I wasn’t going to kiss you. I just said I was going to think about it.” He just grumbled and turned back to his phone. I snatched it from his hands making him turn to face me.

“Give it back!” he said childishly reaching for his phone. Somehow we ended up with my back flat against the ground and him laying atop me. “Give me my phone Sam.”

“Would you rather have your phone or me?” I asked mischievously. He seemed to finally comprehend the situation we were in and leaned close until his lips were a breath away from mine. “You’re not allowed to kiss me remember?”

“I’m not planning on telling anyone,” he said with smirk. “Are you?” I shook my head no as his lips moved the last inch to meet mine. I would never get tired of kissing this boy. Things quickly got heated, and I felt him nibbling on my bottom lip asking for entrance. I parted my lips gently and felt his tongue touch mine. His hands played with the hem of my shirt making me smile into the kiss. It appeared that Daddy Direction could be naughty when the time called for it. My hands gripped his hair tightly as I tried to pull him closer to me. I wanted to feel his skin on mine. We were broken apart by a loud pinging of his phone.

“Damn it Li!” I said as he got off me and picked it up. “Set that thing on vibrate will you?”

“I would,” he said sitting cross legged on the ground, “but everyone keeps tweeting me pictures of the two of us and remarking on how hot my girlfriend is.” I laughed as he scrolled through his tweets. I pulled out my own phone and pulled up my twitter to see that he was right. #SamandLilove was a trending topic. I tapped out a tweet on my phone and posted it.

@SamIam: U r all so sweet! I’m a lucky girl to have @Real_Liam_Payne.

My phone blew up as everyone replied back to my tweet. There were a few haters that wanted Liam for their own, but the majority of the comments were positive. I smiled at my phone as I heard a click next to me. Liam smiled as he pulled his phone away and started madly typing.

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