Chapter 4: They're Actually Here!

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Louis’ POV

“Harry dear?” I asked as we stood near the door. “Does my hair look okay?” Harry grumbled something about stupid girls while watching his feet. “Hazza! This is important!”

“Your hair looks fine,” Harry mumbled.

“It can’t just look fine! I have to look dazzling! Li, are you sure we couldn’t stop at the hotel first? I want to look my best for Nora.” Liam merely rolled his eyes at my antics. We had landed only an hour ago. Per Liam’s directions we had to go pick up the contest winners first since they would be joining us at the concert tonight. The limo had left to drop our luggage off at the hotel we would be staying at. The tour buses for our west coast tour would arrive tomorrow.

“I keep telling you that Nora is not one of the contest winners,” Liam sighed. Niall snickered from where he stood next to me. Zayn was half asleep with his head on Niall’s shoulder. That boy had a serious case of jet lag. I hoped he got over it by the time the concert started. Liam raised a hand to knock on the apartment door, but he paused before turning and facing me. Sigh. Here comes the lecture on my behavior.

“Don’t say it Li,” I said crossing my arms over my chest.

“These girls are going to be spending an entire month with us,” Liam continued on ignoring my protest. “Could you just for once act your age?”

“Why do you always ask me that?” I pouted. “I am totally mature. Niall is the one who started the farting contest in the limo!” Liam just sighed as if my comment totally proved his point. I knew he wanted me to take things seriously. I sometimes wondered if he was upset that he was always in charge. Did he want me, as the oldest, to lend a hand every once in a while? I just always let Liam take charge because I assumed he liked it. Besides, life was about having fun and living.

“Lili,” Niall pled as tired of Liam’s lectures as I was. “Could you just knock please?” Liam looked like he wanted to say more. “Don’t we have a schedule to keep to?” Liam sighed and knocked on the door. I turned and high fived Niall. Liam could never say no to the schedule. The door swung open and the smiling faces of the two other girls from the video shone in the doorway. What were their names again?

I had logged onto the account later that evening before we flew out to watch the video again. Harry had found me about an hour before we had to leave for the airport watching the video over and over. I knew he didn’t like my preoccupation with Nora. And as much as I would like to credit that to the whole Larry Stylinson bromance it was more likely because Harry hated “relationship Louis.” About nine months ago I had forced him to explain it to me. Apparently “relationship Louis” became a bit obsessive when it came to a girl. He wanted to make everything perfect. His goal was to make a girl laugh even if it meant embarrassing himself. I was happy that Harry wanted to keep me from becoming an obsessive fruit loop of some kind, but I couldn’t just swear off girls, could I?

“Oh my God!” the brunette squealed. “They’re actually here!”

“Stop squealing,” the girl with deep red hair said unable to keep her own squeals in. I laughed heartily as they continued to bounce in the doorway. I heard Zayn cuss lightly behind me. He was really not in the mood for squealing girls. If they were a temporary thing Zayn was all over that, but attached to us for a month? Yeah. Grumpy Zayn was most likely here to stay.

“I thought that phone call was a dream,” the redhead said smiling at Liam who attempted a weak smile. “You guys are all just so wonderful.”

“It’s okay dears,” I said with a flashy smile. “You can just admit now that I’m your favorite.” The girls laughed.

“You rock Louis,” the brunette giggled. Zayn groaned again behind me.

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