Chapter 27: Every Part Of Me

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[AN: HA HA HA! I loved all your comments to the question I posted at the end of the last chapter. You all answered me like “She’s with Zayn you idiot.” I LOVED IT!!! This chapter gets a little steamy. That’s your warning.]


As I raised my fist to knock on the door it swung wide open revealing a smiling Zayn. He grabbed my wrist yanking me into the room. I smiled at him as he shut the door and then pressed me up against it.

“Were you waiting for me?” I asked as he smiled at me. “I didn’t even have the chance to knock.”

“Maybe,” Zayn said flashing that knee melting grin at me again. “I didn’t think it would take this long for Chris to switch places with you.”

“Well after the family meeting the girls wanted to bond for a little while.” I rolled my eyes as I sad this. We had been forced to play twenty questions with each other like we were at some godforsaken slumber party.

“Remind me to thank Chris for helping out like this. Did anyone see you sneak out?”

“No. Kate crashed in Sam’s room so trading places with Christine was really simple. I even accidentally crashed into the table knocking some stuff down outside Nora’s door, but she didn’t wake up. Must be our luck.” My brow furrowed for a second as I wondered why Nora had been so easy to sneak past. She was normally a light sleeper. Oh well. I would tuck that away for another time. “What time is it?”

“Nearly four in the morning,” Zayn replied nibbling on my neck. God that felt good.

“That means we have two hours before I have to go back and send Chris here. She can call Nathan to pick her up.” Zayn nodded against my neck as his lips traveled down to my collarbone. “Oh God. Right there.” I felt him smirk against my skin as he bit me lightly leaving a mark. I was going to have to pull out a turtleneck again, but it was worth it.

“Only two hours?” Zayn whined pulling away to look at me with a pouting lip. He looked so cute when he did that. I nodded sadly making him sigh. “I wish we could just tell everyone that we are dating.”

“But if we tell everyone we are dating I know Nora will make us break up. I can’t risk that. We have to stick to the plan.”

“Right,” Zayn nodded. “One month and then we can tell everyone.” He looked like a kid impatient for Christmas Day. In one month I turn eighteen [AN: Making this up. I honestly can’t recall your actual birthday so go with it.] and then we could be out about our relationship. In one month I would be considered an adult and earn all the freedoms that went with it. Then Nora couldn’t tell me what to do and who to see. We had briefly flirted with the idea of trying to convince Nora that we were meant to be, but quickly dismissed it. If I ever brought up dating anyone in the band Nora would shoot me a dirty look. She claimed that Sam and Liam were a special case because Liam was too terrified to try anything.

“Zayn?” I asked.


“I need to ask you something. Something important.” He nodded as he pulled further into the suite until we reached his bedroom. We just stood there looking at each other for a while. “Why did you pull me into that closet?”

“Be—because,” he stuttered blushing. “Because I realized I liked you, and I wanted to tell you that.”

“But you didn’t,” I giggled. “You just kissed me. Why didn’t you tell me back then?”

“I tried, but it just came out as crazy ramblings about you in a wedding dress. I probably sounded like a freak.”

“A really cute freak.” He groaned. He hated it when I referred to him as cute. He preferred handsome or sexy. Cute made him think of a fluffy teddy bear apparently. Secretly I thought of him as my own special teddy bear.

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