This is not a drill

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You were very disappointed in yourself for not running over to joe and seeing if it was actually him, in fact you were that sad you wanted to go home, you didn't even want to stay to see the Foo Fighters play anymore.

You were sat in your seat waiting for the warm up act to come on when y/f/n said she needed the toilet she promised she'd be back in two minutes but you started to get worried when she'd been gone for over ten minutes.

You started to feel sick, your head filling with thoughts about what might of happened to y/f/n and it wasn't looking pretty.
You were anxious enough without worrying about her and you could feel yourself brimming to tears so you decided to get some air just before the concert started.

You got up from your seat and headed down the two flights of steps, gaining some weird looks from other people as they watched you almost crumbled in front of them but you held it together just long enough to make it out of the double doors into the hallway and back out into the main part of the building.

You headed straight for the toilets hoping and praying that y/f/n was there, but when you opened that door you got silence as you called out her name.

You tried to call her but you kept getting disconnected because there was hardly any signal in the venue, this made you want to cry for help and to scream out loud when you felt a hand against your shoulder. You froze and slowly turned yourself around to see not only y/f/n stood there but along side here was Joseph Graham Sugg and oh my god did he look hawt. Your eyes widened as you stood there in complete shock and you we're speechless.

"Y/n hey I've been looking for you" y/f/n hummed sweetly as if nothing ever happened. You were so annoyed but at the same time so grateful you just stood there in awe. "Hello earth to y/n" she clicked her fingers in front of your face as you blinked a couple of time trying to hide your blush from what you were thinking about.

Joe was stood right in front of you and you were stood right in front of him. You were speechless you didn't know how to approach him or what to say to him for that matter. Byron finally made the awkward silence go away by saying "bro Josh will be worried sick we really need to go to our seats we don't want to miss the opening act". Joe looked from you to Byron he smiled sweetly towards y/f/n and nodded "well was lovely meeting you y/f/n I'm glad you found y/n". He smiled at you and the way he spoke turned you on it was just as you imagined smooth and soft toned.

Y/f/n took your hand and shook you slightly "omg what are you doing that was joe sugg and you said nothing what is wrong with you" y/f/n gushed but you were still so shook over what had happened you didn't know how to respond. "Where the hell were you" you spat "you said you'd be two minutes" you tired to be mad but you just couldn't do it after actually seeing the one man who makes you're heart melt. " look I'm sorry baby" y/f/n spoke softly "I was looking for joe as you had said you'd seen him earlier"

You had calmed yourself down and decided to head back to your seats ready for the show to begin. You were so hyped now that the opening act was over and you screamed a little knowing this is what you'd been waiting for. But there was some technical issues so you had to wait another half an hour. You were sat talking to y/f/n about joe and how she'd met him and spoke to him, you were kicking yourself now knowing you weren't going to get another opportunity like that one.

You had zoned out a little while talking about joe because you were picturing his face in front of yours. Until you realised that Joe, Josh and Byron were sat two seats down from you. You gushed with excitement knowing you'd get the chance to talk to him. "Y/n hey what's wrong baby you zoned out" y/f/n spoke softly and all you had to do was point. "Oh my god y/n you can talk to him go say hello" you were nervous to be honest but you had to do it right?

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