The set up

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You awoke the next morning to sun beaming against your face and skin
The warmth from the sun shining through the windows and lighting up joes bedroom
You rubbed your eyes softly and laid there for a minute while you steadied your vision
You rolled over to an empty side of the bed confused as to where Joe was but then you checked the time
You sat up and stretched, you moved your hair out of your face and you picked up you phone
You had a text from joe saying
"Good afternoon sleeping beauty, I didn't want to wake you as I know you we're exhausted last night! Don't stress when you realise I'm not there me and the boys have just gone out to grab some things but my sister and the girls are still in the house let me know when you're awake cutie! I love you ❤️"
You felt your face heat up at the thought of joe still telling you he loved you after you screamed at him last night
You'll make it up to him
You text him back
"Why thank you kind sir for letting me sleep! Good afternoon also! I'm awake btw! I love you so much more ❤️"
You sent the text and locked your phone and jumped in the shower
You got out dried your hair and got dressed into a pair of denim shorts and a cute off the shoulder crop top but it wasn't satisfying your needs so you changed the crop top to one of joes T-shirts and you tucked it in and you felt so much better! You knew he'd kill you though because you're always stealing his clothes
You made your way downstairs and into the kitchen where the back door was open and you could hear splashing from outside
You stepped down the door step into the garden and pushed your sunglasses up your nose
"Y/n you're finally awake" Zoe screamed running towards you
You laughed
"I am yeah! Finally"
"It's about time too we've missed you" maddie exhaled pulling you into a hug
You went and sat down together in the sun and talked for a while laughing and joking about everything and they'd asked you how you were feeling about last night and if you were okay and you said you were fine
You felt safe with them and you felt safe here! You were so glad you had people you could talk to and trust
Then the weirdest thing happened
You went inside to use the bathroom after talking with the girls and finding yourself in constant stitches from laughing
When your phone began to buzz
"Incoming call from jack"
You swiped your finger across the screen and spoke a soft "hello"
"Hi y/n it's just jack"
"Hi jack what can I do for you?"
"This is gonna sound super weird" he started to trail off
"Right I'm listening?" You were confused but you wanted to hear what he had to say
"I'm not with the boys at current but I can't stop thinking about you! You're gorgeous and I'd do anything to take you out! I was gutted when Joe practically begged you to be his girlfriend! Oh also I don't know if you know or not but you deserve too... this was all just a bet. The boys have put money on you and Joe getting together and I figured I should tell you! The worst part is everybody knows apart from you!"
The phone line went dead
You couldn't believe what you had just heard
This was all just a "game"
It was all just a set up?
You were so confused
You felt betrayed
How could anyone do such a thing?
"Hello? Y/n? Are you still there" jack questioned
"Uh yeah sorry jack I'm just confused" you trailed off now uncomfortable and tears rolling down your face
"I'm so sorry you had to find out like this! If you're still up for it I'd love to take you to dinner sometime" jack then added
"Right maybe I don't know" you choked
You were shocked so so confused and hurt and you didn't know what to do anymore
"I'm gonna go okay! I'm really sorry" jack apologised
"Oh do me a favour though? Please don't tell anyone I've told you! Okay?" Jack pleaded
"Um okay I'll try"
"Thank you! I'll speak to you later"
And he hung up
Confused and distraught you looked at yourself in the bathroom mirror
You were pulled out of your thoughts to a knock on the bathroom door
"Babe? Are you okay?" Joe hummed from the other side of the door
You looked to the door and back to the mirror you shook your head in disbelief you had to bring it up right? But would it be the right thing?
You wiped your tears and choked a "yeah one second"
You flushed the chain and washed your hands and wet your face slightly and made out as if you'd just been to the toilet
You unlocked the bathroom door and pushed it slightly
Your eyes caught joes and his face instantly  lit up
"Is that my shirt?" He questioned
You threw him a fake smile
"Yeah do you want me to take it off?" You replied as you were still confused as to what you'd just been told
"No? Why would I? You know you look hot in my clothes it's like you do it on purpose love" he choked
He was sweating slightly and grazing his bottom lip with his teeth
"Just checking" and you smiled at him again
"Oh god I've missed you" he breathed as he pulled you into him embracing you in a soft gentle squeeze
"What've you been up to then babe?" He questioned
"Not much you?"
"Like I said just been and got a few bits I think the lads are having game night so are you okay with the girls?" He then went on to question
You nodded
"I think I might go to bed soon though as I don't feel good"
His face softened slightly into a worried look
"Are you still off it over your nightmare? Are you gonna be okay?" He quickly questioned throwing you a concerned look
"A little shaken still yeah but I'll be alright Joe" you sighed
"Okay babe if you're sure! Give me a kiss" he then choked
You slowly closed your eyes and pecked his lips softly and then pulled away
"More then that babe I've not seen you for hours" he groaned
"The boys are waiting for you! Maybe later okay?" You patted his chest and pulled yourself out of his grip and he gave you a sad look but he didn't argue
"Are you sure you're gonna be okay baby?" He questioned again
"Yes joe I will be fine" you snapped
"Okay, we'll if you need me just text and I'll come straight back here to you okay?"
You nodded "just go have fun babe" you spoke softly
"Okay baby I love you" and he threw you a smile
"I love you" he then choked
You nodded
"Not gonna say it back"
"Mmm love you" you then spat
He gave you a confused look and then slowly left the room
You had never felt such a burning sensation until now
You got undressed to just your underwear, you threw your hair up and climbed back into bed
You laid there for a while staring at the ceiling
Minutes felt like hours
Your head doing overtime
Your body hurting from stress
What jack had said to you on the phone was pissing you off and you knew you had to say something about it, it was just finding the right time to do it
You practically threw yourself out of bed and swung open the bedroom door and you went looking for everyone
Nobody was outside anymore and the lads weren't in the game room like joe said they would be
You took a jog down the stairs and stopped at the kitchen door where you could hear Joe telling  them how you'd been off with him and he didn't know what he'd done and how awful he felt about "the bet"
He explained how he didn't like you at first and he just felt sorry for you but the more he got to know you the more he fell in love with you
You could feel your blood boiling and your body heating up and you controlled your breathing ti steady your nerves so you could continue to listen
That's when you heard jack say "so when are you gonna go through the official initiation with her man?"
What the fuck! What initiation now you were absolutely confused
"Oh yeah shit I forgot about that man" joe choked
"It's only fair! All the other lasses had to go through it and if you're wanting her to stay here you'll have to do it soon! She trusts you enough so it should be easy"
You felt your stomach start to knot and you slowly backed away from the kitchen door and you bolted up the stairs
You got dressed as quickly as you could and you tried to calm your breathing from the pains in your chest that was making it hard for you to breathe properly
You didn't know what to do but you felt like you were going insane
You were gonna have to either play it off really well and lie or you were gonna have to climb out of the window
Window was a no go because there's nothing to step down on to and you knew you'd fall and hurt yourself then you'd be stuck
You started to form a plan in your head and you knew exactly what to do!
You just hoped they'd buy it
You rolled your sleeves up and made your forehead really hot to the point you had a migraine
You felt sick from the heat but if you wanted this to work you needed to pull it off and make it seem believable
You took a run down the stairs and slid your feet into your shoes and that's when your nose felt wet
Your nose had started to bleed but you weren't bothered because it just made it seem more real
You could still hear talking but you were gonna have to go into the kitchen to get your keys
You took a deep breath and slowly pushed open the door
You held your nose slightly and that's when Zoe asked you if you were okay
"I'm alright just have a really bad fever and a nose bleed that's progressed into a migraine" you choked still holding your nose
"I'm gonna go for a walk and get myself checked out I think" you suggested
"I'll go with you" joe choked
You shook your head no
"I'll be fine don't stress please" you picked up your keys but Joe was adamant he was going with you
"I'm coming with you! I'm not letting you go by yourself"
"Joe please just trust me! I'll be back soon and I'll keep in touch i promise" you looked at him with sad eyes and hope that he would agree
"Okay but keep me updated all the way" he then choked
You nodded and opened and closed the front door behind you
You wiped your nose on your sleeve and you walked down the driveway and out of the gate that Alfie had just opened for you from inside
You could hear the gate closing as you started to walk towards the park and the second you got into the park you took a sprint
You ran as fast as you could to your place and unlocked your door and locked it behind you
You turned your phone off and went upstairs into your bedroom
You were free
You'd done it!
You felt more calm now knowing nothing bad was going to happen to you... or was it?

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