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You could hear their voices getting closer
You didn't know what to do
But you knew if you were going to get kidnapped now would be the time
Then you'd not be able to get flight home
You'd be stuck here
Which was what you wanted
But did you want it now with everything that had gone on with you joe and Caspar?
You thought you wanted to stay
But now you we're having second thoughts
Oh shit why did you do this to yourself
"I'm pretty sure that is the lass joe and Caspar we're telling Zoe about Alfie"
So Alfie Zoe's boyfriend was with this group that were beating on door of the apartment block
"How do we know that though? We can't just kidnap her what if it's not ever her then what?"
"I mean this girl has really hurt Joe man do you wanna go for it or not?"
You were right, from the minute you looked at them in that first encounter you knew what was about to happen next wasn't going to be so good for you
You head started to spin and you felt very faint all of a sudden
"Excuse me?"
You slowly turned your head to the side
"Uh yeah?"
"Sorry to bother you but my friends over there think that they know you"
"Do they?"
"Yeah do you happen to know Joe sugg? Or Caspar lee"
Now this is the part where you lie or you run
You didn't have long here so needed to act fast
"Like we just want to know if you climbed out of his window"
"Mikey ask her if she's a size 6 shoe"
"And if you're a size 6 shoe"
You kind of just looked at him
You shook your head
"No to which bit? The size 6 shoe or knowing joe and Caspar?"
"Look don't you think it's a bit weird going round asking people their shoe size and who they know?"
"Sorry sorry you're right"
"What she's clearly uncomfortable"
"Well that's on her isn't it"
You sat and listened to them arguing
"Any money she's gonna make a run for it"
Jack chocked
"How do you know?"
"Josh if she climbed out a window she's definitely gonna take a sprint"
And jack wasn't wrong
You slowly got up from the bench
They continued to argue
You wished you had your phone right now so you could get directions to somewhere you'd be somewhat safe because anywhere was safer then here
Ah fuck it
You bent down and tied your shoe laces extra tight
So you didn't loose your shoes on running and you slowly backed away from the group
You did a 180 turn and went for it, this was your make or break time here
You could hear people shouting
And you didn't know that you were gonna run into a lot more of them at the end of the park
"For fuck sake how many people are in your friendship group"
"If you know us then you know there's a lot of us"
No you were outnumbered and tired
The closest thing to you here was a fucking tree or a lake
Climb the tree
Drown in the lake as you can't swim
You're stuck
You stand there for a second debating all your life choices when you saw a boat
Was only a small boat but if you got to that you'd be okay
You took a run and jump towards it
Just managing to pull yourself up onto this boat
It was dirty and it smelt funny but at least you were somewhat safe
That's when you started to have flash backs
You couldn't swim because you had trauma of almost drowning when you were a child so you never took up the opportunity to learn
You've been scared of water since
"Oh nice one who's going out there to get her then"
"Not me"
"No chance"
You were now in the middle of this lake in the park you watched the water calmly hit the sides of the boat
You could hear the group that had split up from either side of the park
You just sat there
Frozen stiff
What if the boat tips over
What if you drown
What if it breaks in two
Oh god you're gonna die
You were scared
You could feel your body getting cold
You've always had a fear of water but not this bad until now
"Listen, if you bring yourself to us we won't hurt you"
Alfie shouted
"Yeah we just want to ask you some stuff"
Jack added
"Boys I'll actually kill her if she comes anywhere near me"
Josh scolded
"She's hurt our best friend and that isn't on"
Jack pleaded
"We know that things have happened but don't scare her anymore for god sake"
"Does anyone even know her name?"
Connor added
"I actually don't know man"
"Well we're gonna find out aren't we"
"I really do think it's the same girl Joe described to us"
"So what if it is! She's a gonner the minute she steps foot back in this park"
You could hear everything and that was the worst part
You had to be on a flight presumably soon but you didn't know the time and you didn't dare ask anyone either
"Alfie what's the time?"
Oli asked
"Just gone 5 man"
"Oh shit man it's early"
"I'm so done with this I'll go in there and get her myself"
"Josh don't! Just wait"
Jack held out his arm in front of josh to stop him from coining in to the lake to come and get you
You really were stuck
You had no phone
You were tired
You were stressed
You felt sick
You had a fear of water
Then all of a sudden it started to rain
Oh my god
Now you were stuck
In a boat on a lake and it was raining heavy
What if the boat fills and you sink
What if you get pneumonia
There's no way out
You could feel your chest starting to get tight
"We need to find cover or something because it's absolutely belting it down"
Alfie choked
"Funny stuff because she's stuck on a lake"
Josh spat
"Everyone go over to that shelter, she'll have to come out of the lake eventually"
Luckily for you there was a shelter
Where they were all going to go to keep dry
Now was your chance to get yourself off the water and home before you physically got kidnapped and got sick from being out in the rain
How we're you going to do this without making too much noise
Even though you had a fear of water the boat could not help you! The boat would make too much noise and give you away
You missed joe
You missed his warm embrace
You missed his smile, his laugh, his voice
You started to get incredibly sad
You really missed him and being with him
You looked out over the park and the last time you heard the time it was 5am
The sunrise comes up at 6:30
You needed to get out of here while it was still dark
You looked down at the water
It didn't look that deep
Now was the time to face your fears and get yourself to safety
Think about joe
Think about all the happy times
It was still heavy raining
But who knows how long the rain will last
You slowly lowered yourself into the water and you could just touch the bottom
You slowly started to make your way over to the patch of grass at the side of the lake
The opposite side to where the shelter was
Your legs felt heavy
You were panicking
But you had to keep calm to get out of the lake
You kept imagining things in the water
But you we're almost there
You took a jump and pulled yourself up out of the dirty smelling water and you sat for a second catching your breath
The boat still in the middle of the lake
It seemed so close yet so far but you'd made it
You were soaking
From head to toe
You pulled your hood up onto your head but you couldn't bare to run
You took a slow walk towards the end of the park you climbed over the fence
You took a slight run down the stairs and ran straight into a girl
She was small and delicate
She looked at you and you looked at her
"Are you okay?"
She questioned looking you up and down
"I'll be fine"
"You haven't seen my boyfriend have you? His names Alfie"
So this was Zoe, joes sister
"Oh god"
"What's wrong?"
She questioned
"Your boyfriend and a lot of his mates are in the park looking for me" you whispered
"Oh my god are you y/n? The girl who climbed out of my brothers window"
"Yeah that's me! Please don't grass on me"
"You've really hurt my brother you know"
"And your boyfriend has just almost got me drowned"
"Does joe know about any of this Zoe?"
She looked at you with a worried face and shook her head
"No Alfie promised they wouldn't hurt you"
You couldn't believe what you were hearing
You looked at Zoe and Zoe looked at you
You both just stood there for a second
"I have to go! You can tell your brother and your boyfriend that I've had to get a plane home! I climbed out of the window because I couldn't bring myself to tell Joe and Caspar about the text my mam sent me okay?"
She looked at you as her face softened
"So you didn't do it to get away from them?"
"No, I'd show you the message but I smashed my phone in anger and it's back at my place on charge"
Zoe sighed
"I don't really know you but I wish it didn't have to be like this y/n. Joe really spoke fondly of you"
That's when Zoe's phone started to ring
Oh god
Oh no
She's gonna tell them you could feel it
"Hi baby"
"Hey babe"
"Is everything okay?"
"It's absolutely pissing down Zoe! And this chick is sat in the middle of the lake on a boat"
You started to shake your head
"Alfie there's something I need to tell you"
You took hold of Zoe by her waist and pulled her into you
You took her phone out of her hand and covered her mouth with the other
"Zoe? Hello? babe? Are you still there? Can you hear me?"
"Listen to me carefully"
"Who's this? Where's Zoe"
"You're not listening"
"I'm listening don't hurt her please"
"You think you're so smart going after a girl with all your mates well you're wrong try anything and Zoe gets it"
"We won't we promise just please don't hurt her"
"I'd love to know what Joe thinks about all this Alfie"
That's when Zoe bit you and ripped her phone out of your hand
"Alfie please help me she's crazy I don't know what Joe saw in her but please she's trying to kill me"
You ran you had to in fact sprint
You could hear Zoe telling Alfie where you were and what had just happened
You could feel your body going into somewhat shock but you knew exactly where to go
You climbed into the broken window of that house where you'd go and sit on the roof and you stayed put
There was too many people looking for you now but this was it
The minute they find you it's game over
The tears started to roll down your face as you pulled your knees up to your chest and rocked back and forth
You were scared
You should of just gone to the airport and gone home when y/b/f/n did but you were stubborn
You wanted to be with Joe and now look where it's got you
You didn't know if you'd make your flight
Your mam was going to be furious
You could see the sun starting to come up
Now you just had to find a way back home without meeting someone who's going to hurt you in the process
You didn't mean to take hold of Zoe
You didn't want to scare her you were just scared
The best of it was joe didn't have a clue
You wondered what Joe would say but you'd never know now
You just had to sit and hope for the best
You were soaked though and if that didn't kill you then heartbreak probably would

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