The morning after...

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You awoke the next morning to hear background noise coming from joes laptop.
You stretched and yawned as you reached over to pick up your phone from the bedside table and to check the time as the screen flashed on you couldn't believe the time
It was 11am
You've never slept in that late before
You sat up and looked around the room checking you were still at joes and it wasn't just a dream
Then all of a sudden you heard a loud bang come from downstairs
You jumped from fright and you told yourself you should really get up
You got up from joes bed and went into the bathroom where you combed your hair and brushed your teeth before walking towards the staircase
When you got to the top of the staircase you heard Caspar ask Joe
"So bro what happened last night you and y/n were really quite I was expecting a lot more noise and a lot more activity if you know what I mean?"
"Caspar man I told you not to expect anything for us while you're here and we fell asleep and I'm nervous bro so I can't imagine how y/n is feeling! Give me a break"
Joe replied
"We'll you need to make a move because if you don't you'll loose her"
"I very much doubt it I'm really into her, I can't wait for Zoe to meet her"
That's when you felt your heart skip a beat, you were going to meet Zoe sugg joes sister and one of your biggest idols that was incredibly nerve wracking and scary but if you wanted to be with Joe you'd have to meet his family eventually
You were scared to tell him your deepest darkest secret though because you knew it would either make or break you both
Your mind started to race with negativity but then all of a sudden you were pulled out of those thoughts after hearing Caspar blurt out
"Is she still asleep? Is she for real it's almost lunch time"
Joe defended you
"Caspar she probably needed it we don't know how long she sleeps at home but she's always asleep past dinner time lazy bugger"
You were dying and trying so hard not to laugh but you could feel your stomach hurting from hunger so you took a run down the stairs and scared the shit out of them both
"G MORNING" you screamed
"Jesus Christ y/n bloody hell"
Joe just laughed
"How long have you been awake? Also it's almost dinner time man"
"Sorry Caspar forgot you were my dad"
Joe and Caspar looked at eachother then looked at you blankly
"Oh no what? What've I done?"
Caspar shook his head
"Nothing just don't you think you should be calling joe dad and not me?"
I was so confused at first but then I watched the sides of joes mouth start to turn upwards and that's when it clicked
"Ohhhh my apologies caspar"
"You're right I shouldn't be calling you dad, I should be calling him dad"
You pointed to joe who was doing that cheeky smutty side smile
"I'm starving"
Caspar then choked
"Can we eat it's almost noon"
"Yes Caspar we can eat"
Joe replied
"Pizza pizza pizza pizza"
Caspar chanted
"Always with the pizza Caspar what if y/n doesn't want pizza?"
"Pizza is good with me"
You smiled and took a leap over the couch and kicked out your legs as you landed, you pulled joes hoodie hood up onto your head and started scrolling through your phone
"What pizza do you want my love"
Joe hummed
"Pineapple alright then?"
"Don't you dare!"
You looked up from your phone and looked straight at joe and from Joe your vision shifted to Caspar
"I love pineapple on pizza Joe"
Caspar blurted
"Oh god please no I can't"
"Why not y/n you said any"
"If you want to kill me go right ahead"
"Wait what?"
"I'm actually allergic to pineapple so do your worst"
"Caspar I'm banning pineapple in this house, anything with pineapple or that is pineapple related must go now! I can't be having y/n having an allergic reaction and dying on me"
"God joe you're so dramatic"
Caspar moaned
"Please don't start"
"I'm not"
"You are"
"I'm not"
"You are"
"Woah woah woah settle down children please no fighting"
They both laughed at you
You felt at home here, you were wanted here, you were happy here!
You were just worried what was to come with your big secret and a heavy heart in reality you just didn't want to loose joe, you didn't know if you'd make it without him, if he hated you then you might just hate yourself too...

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