The inintiation

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You sat on your bed as your eyes wandered your room you couldn't believe you were home
You felt off though
Like you'd betrayed Joe
You knew he'd be gutted
But why did he want you to do an initiation and what did it consist of
What was he going to make you do or do to you for you to "stay"
You'd been gone about 2 hours now
You started to feel really bad and you knew it was just going to come back and bite you on the arse
So you sighed as you felt defeated
And you turned your phone on
That's when it started to vibrate
And it buzzed
And buzzed
And buzzed
Until it finally stopped
Your heart racing
Texts upon texts from joe and Zoe and maddie and Alfie and jack and oli and mikey
Your heart racing
You took a deep breath and slowly typed in your password to unlock your phone and you started to read through the notifications
All the miss calls started to come through and you panicked
You controlled yourself and that's when your phone started to vibrate again
*incoming call from joe 💕❤️*
You took a deep breath and slid your finger across the screen
"Where the fuck are you" he practically screamed
"At the hospital joe"
"You're full of shit! We've rang the hospital and you're not there so where are you really?" He spat
You could feel your eyes starting to fill but before you got chance to answer he then choked
"This is exactly why I don't fucking trust you, tell me where you are and I'll come and get you! Or if not there will be hell on" he spat
You could feel the anger in his tone and you knew he was very annoyed
"I'm i I'm so sorry" you stuttered
"I just don't buy it anymore! I'm giving you half an hour to come back here or you'll know about it" and he hung up
Nothing about the initiation had been mentioned as of yet but you weren't in the clear so you ran down the stairs and pulled on your shoes
You knew you had to come up with some bullshit but as long as Joe calmed down and you had him on your side you might just get lucky
You went into the closet shop and bought some things that you thought might get you out of the hole you'd dug yourself and now you just needed to get your story straight
You remember the conversation you had with your sister before you moved to London about how honesty is the only way forward
So you just had to be honest and that's what you knew you had to do
You got changed in a gas station toilet into the underwear you'd just bought and you made your way back to Zoe and Alfie's
You climbed the gate because Alfie locks the gate after a certain time and now you were shitting yourself
You took your set of keys out of your pocket and unlocked the door quietly
You slid off your shoes and put your keys on the hook after locking the door behind you
You walked down the hallway towards the kitchen and you could see the lights on and that when you knew you'd fucked up
You slowly opened the front room door and luckily for you there wasn't anyone there
However you could see through the gap in the blind how pissed off joe was
Zoe was crying
You weren't sure why and you didn't know how many people were still awake but you knew this wasn't going to be pretty
You took a deep breath
Your heart racing
You could feel your chest tighten and your eyes start to fill
You placed your hand on the door handle and hovered for a moment before you slowly pushed on it to open the door
The door slowly opened as your eye drifted towards joes and he was absolutely livid
You could tell just by looking at him
Alfie took hold of Zoe's arm and told her to come on and he looked at Joe who was leaning against the counter with his arms crossed against his chest and spoke "well give you space"
"Please don't hurt her Joe" Zoe then choked
And he looked from Alfie to Zoe to you and he stared at you
If looks could kill you'd of been dead now
The door to the stairs opened and closed and you and Joe both heard the footsteps start to disappear from them both
You and Joe now just looking at eachother
Nothing had been said yet
He was still leaning against the counter
You got up your courage to choke an "im sorry"
But you couldn't look at him
That's when he pushed himself off the counter and slowly started to walk towards you
He took hold of your chin and lifted it till your eyes met
"Im going to ask you once and once only okay" he then spat
You nodded against his hand
"Where the fuck were you y/n?" He choked
You controlled your breathing as your eyes started to fill and you could feel the panic and the guilt wash over you
"I overheard you all talking earlier and something about an initiation and I panicked and then I didn't know what to do so I went home and turned my phone off and then I felt bad and I turned it back on and now I'm here" you choked
He blinked a couple of times and slowly let go of your chin and took a couple of steps backwards so he could see you properly
"So let me get this right? You didn't have a fever and you lied to me?" He then questioned
You nodded
"I'm so sorry for lying! I just panicked" you thought telling the truth would get you out of everything
He shook his head in disbelief and he hit the table that hard it made you jump
"Why would you do that to me? Why" he screamed at you
" I I I it's just I just I don't know" you managed to choke
"Now I have to punish you! I hope you understand! I don't want too but you've left me no choice"
You felt sick
The tears now free falling down your face
Your body shaking with slight fear
"Wait" you choked
"Jack told me about the bet" you sobbed
Joe looked at you as his face softened and he looked at you with a very annoyed look
"I'm telling the truth" you choked
"How do you expect me to trust you now? Please tell me" joe spat
And that's when it hit you
You pulled your arms through your tshirt and you dropped it too the floor
You undid your belt and unfastened your jeans and shimmed them down your legs
You stepped out of them Joe watching you every move
You slowly fastened the leather restraints to your wrists
You took a slow walk towards him and you slowly place your hands on both of his shoulders
You run your fingers down his arms and keep your eyes locked on his
You unzipped his jacket and slowly tug at it for him to take his arms out at which he follows through
He drops his jacket to the floor and he still looks at you annoyed but not as much now
You slowly run your fingers down either side of his neck until your arms hit his shoulders and you attach your arms together behind his head
You're now nose to nose with him
Both of you staring into eachothers eyes
You slowly run your nose with his
He flinches slightly
He slowly runs his hands down your sides and that's when he leans in and whispers
"I've never seen this underwear set before... let me punish you now"
Your body shivers as he dips his head out from your arms
He unclips your arms and turns you round and clips your arms behind your back he pulls his arms out of his tshirt as he throws it behind him
He drops his jeans and pulls you into him until your arms hit against his chest
"You've been one very naughty girl haven't you huh?" He smiles against your neck
You nod
"And I'm so sorry" you choke
He wraps his arms around your waist and kisses down your neck softly biting into your shoulder
Your body starts to heat up as he spins you back round so you're facing him
He pulls you into him by your waist
"As if you did all this for me" he smirked at you
"I'm so so sorry! I really did just panic and I just didn't kno-" you were cut off by joe pressing his lips against yours
"Shhhhhhh be a good girl now" he spoke softly
You'd never got butterflies this bad before
You felt a strong connection between you and Joe one that you've never felt before
You bit your lip
Joe ran his thumb over your lips to release the bit as he chokes "don't do that! You know how it gets me" as his eyes flick from your lips to your eyes
He picks you up and lays you down on the table un hooking your hands and attaching them to the table the same for your feet
Joe climbs up on top of you and kisses you up and down your body making you bite your lip and curl your toes until he looks you dead in the eyes and as he pushes a gag into your mouth and speaks "welcome to your initiation babe"
Your body freezes as he gets off of you
You look at him slightly worried and slightly confused as he dims the lights and adds some extra support to keep you attached to the table
You look at him as your pupils dilate
The fear rushing through your body as your breathing increases
"Did you really think I'd let you off that easy?" He laughed
"This is only the beginning for you" he then choked
And you felt sick
You didn't know weather to laugh or cry
You didn't know what was to come but you knew it was going to be bad
Your mind racing with thoughts
You didn't know if Joe would ever trust you again or if he even loved you at all but you just had to keep up positive hope
He attached some wires to you and a monitor and he set up a camera and he kissed your head softly
"Try and relax it won't hurt as much if you relax" he spoke softly
The tears started to roll down your face
You shouldn't of said anything and maybe none of this would be happening
Joe wipes your tears with his thumbs as his finger hovers over the button
You both look at eachother for a moment
You were looking at joe with hope and passion
Joe was looking at you with sadness and sorrow
You could clearly see he was thinking about it
That's when he slowly pushed the button and you started to feel shocks go through your body
It didn't really hurt but it was uncomfortable
"I'll see you in the morning my love, make sure you try and rest okay, I know it's uncomfortable but you'll get used to it!" joe spoke softly
And he left you laid there
Unable to move
Hardly able to breathe because with every breath it got harder and harder to breath
Yous started to hold your breath from the pain
You tried your hardest to relax yourself but your body just wouldn't shut off
Your body shaking from the electricity running through your body
Your boding jolting now and again
Your vision starting to blur
You couldn't wait for the initiation to be over but you feared for what was yet to come

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