Not all hope had been lost

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You'd been laid in joes bed at the zalfie household for what felt like a lifetime
You were in and out of sleep and Zoe would check on you regularly
You slowly opened your eyes and checked the time
It wasn't that late it was only around 8pm
You sat yourself up and stretched
You felt more relaxed and a bit better now you were clean and out of the restraint that held you to that chair in the kitchen
You looked around at what was joes room for when he'd stay at his sisters
It was bigger then his room in his apartment but still nice
It had a bathroom attached to it and a shower
You swung your legs off the edge of the bed and took a walk into the bathroom
You eyes meeting the mirror
You looked like shit
Your nose was bleeding slightly probably from what you presumed was stress
You wiped your nose and used the toilet
You filled the sink with water and washed your face
It was quiet
It was calm
You felt more relaxed now but you had butterflies as the thought of seeing joe popped into your head
You were thinking of what you would say to him when you saw him again
You wanted to apologise for looking like a psychopath and climbing out of his window
You wanted to tell him how much you needed him and how much he meant to you
You also wanted to tell him you loved him
Because deep down you really did
But you were worried what his friends and family would say as they've always seen you two as quite the pair and you'd quite often get mistaken for brother and sister which would always make you both laugh but you'd always explain you were just "best friends"
Your head started to hurt again as your eyes were filled with tears
You felt incredibly uneasy
You felt your legs turn to jelly and that's when you heard the front door open
You could her talking but it was muffled and quiet
It soon picked up into arguing and screaming
That's when the bedroom door swung open
"Y/n?" Zoe called out to you looking for you as you weren't in bed anymore
"Yeah zo? I'm in the bathroom" you replied weakly
You were now sat on the floor of the bathroom wiping your tears and holding some tissue up to your bleeding nose
"Omg y/n what happened? Are you okay?" Zoe called out to you
"It won't stop bleeding Zoe I just I got up I felt sick and needed the toilet and then my nose started to bleed" you choked
Your vision blurry
You started to loose all your senses
You couldn't think straight
"Y/n are you okay?" A very worried Zoe choked
Everything was echoing and your ears were ringing you could kind of see Zoe still but at the same time you couldn't see anything at all
"Y/n talk to me" Zoe begged
"Please" she choked out
"I'll go and get joe" she then choked
Your body started to calm down
"Zoe? I don't feel very well, I I keep hearing things and seeing things and I'm scared" you sobbed
"Y/n it's okay you're okay, you're safe here I promise" Zoe tried to comfort you
"You need to stop stressing babe" she spoke softly
"Shall I take you upstairs to see Joe?" She then questioned
You nodded
Zoe held out her hand and you put your hand in hers
She helped you up and wiped your face and cleaned your nose up
"Come on hunny he's been dying to see you!" Zoe exclaimed very excitedly
You took a deep breath and you approached the staircase
Zoe led you up the stairs tightening her grip of your hand in hers
You got to the top of the stairs and your vision started to clear up and you and Zoe walked towards the front room door
You could hear the shouting and screaming more clearly now and it knocked you sick
Zoe slowly pushed open the door and that's when you were met with joe swinging his fist a Alfie
Caspar took hold of Joe and Marcus took a hold of Alfie and you and Zoe looked at eachother
Oli stepped in between them and tried to calm them down
You tapped Zoe softly
Zoe turned and gave you a reassuring look
"I told you he'd be livid" she whispered
You nodded
Mikey was screaming at everyone to calm down
You and Zoe continued to look at one and other when Caspar took a glance in your direction
He slowly released Joe from his grip making joe stumble forward as he took a jump over the couch pulling you into him
The room fell silent for a second before he slowly pull out of the hug and cupped your face with his hands
"You look like shit y/n" Caspar then choked out
A small fragile smile creeped upon your face as you shook your head and rolled your eyes
"Cheers mate nice to see you too" you replied
Caspar let out a small laugh and pulled you back into him and patted your back
You took a deep inhale as your head hit Caspars shoulder and his grip tightened around your small fragile frail body
You started to feel more comfortable now
You felt ever so poorly but just knowing you'd see joe and Caspar again gave you a sense of hope
You slowly pulled out of the hug that felt like it was lasting forever to look up at joe who was crying into his hands
You and Caspar looked at eachother for a second before he nudged you softly
You took a slow walk towards joe and tapped his shoulder gently
Joe looked up from his hands wiping away the tears that dread to fall
You'd never seen joe cry this much before
Apart from one time when he had just broke up with his first ever girlfriend and he was a state not only that he was absolutely heart broken you'd go round every second of the day to comfort him and lay with him when he'd have constant nightmares from pain of it all and when Caspar couldn't handle it you did! You were there for both of them when things got rocky
His gorgeous deep blue green eyes slowly met yours they were red from all of the crying and eye rubbing but they were still absolutely flawless and you'd still be able to get lost in them like you did when you met him for the first time
You glanced at eachother for a second when Joe slowly opened his arms and pulled you into him
The second you hugged him back and his head hit your shoulder he went to pieces making you want to sob
He was breaking his heart against you and his breathing was all over the place but you were glad he was here and you were here to hold him
Joes hair had started to stick to his face from crying and he hates anyone touching it but you slowly scooped up his hair and ran your fingers in line with his hairline so you didn't mess it up and so he didn't get angry
His grip tight like if he let go he'd crumble to the floor in a big puddle
"Joe" you hummed softly into his ear
Joe slowly pulled away from you to look at you
You ran your thumbs under his eyes and cupped his cheeks with your hands
"I really like you sister" you exclaimed
A small smile starting to light up his face
"Aw y/n come here" Zoe gushed as she pulled you out of joes hold into her own
"Hey" joe then choked out
"Don't worry broseph you can have her back in a second" a small giggle escaping Zoe's lips
Zoe rubbed your back and told you she liked you too
"I think you and Joe need to talk don't you y/n?" Alfie then questioned
You looked from Alfie to Zoe to Caspar to joe and nodded
"That would be a good idea" Caspar chimed in
You and Joe looked at eachother for a second
"Now or?" Joe then questioned rubbing the back of his neck
"What's wrong with you man I thought you were dying to see her and you were saying you were going to kick the shit out of Alfie in the car? What's happened to you?" Caspar questioned
"I it's just urm" joe stumbled on his words and didn't really know what to say
"Caspar!" You choked out
"What?" He then looked at you confused
"Leave him alone and don't stress him out more" you spoke
Joe looked at you with that look that speaks a thousand words and mouthed thank you
That's when Zoe tapped you
You swung your head round to look at Zoe and that's when Zoe spoke "didn't you have something to tell Joe y/n?"
And your froze for a second
You'd been telling Zoe everything in the bathroom about what you wanted to say to him
You were absolutely bricking it
You looked at Zoe and you felt your heart race increase incredibly fast
Now everyone was looking at you
Your head doing a thousand miles an hour
You managed to choke out an "uhhhhh"
Zoe laughed softly against you
"Go on, don't be shy" she encouraged you to tell him what you'd been telling her
"Close your eyes you'll feel better" she then whispered
"Does that actually work though?" You questioned her theory
Zoe shrugged her shoulders "try it?" She then questioned
You slowly looked away from Zoe to look at joe and you took a deep breath
You slowly closed your eyes and with one exhale you spoke out as fast as you could
"Joeimreallyreallysorryforlookinglikeamoronand climbingoutoofyourwindowandimsorryfornottellingyousoonerbutireallyreallylikeyouandidontknowifyoulikemetooandimscaredyouhateme" you took a pause and took a breath and you slowly opened your eyes to everyone looking at you confused
"Nobody got a words of that y/n" Caspar choked
You took hold of the bridge of your nose as you could feel the stress rising you sighed
You heard a small laugh escape joes mouth
You love when he laughs it makes you all fuzzy inside
"Try again maybe a tad slower this time babe" Zoe spoke softly reassuring you it would be okay
Zoe looked at you with reassurance and nodded to you to tell you it's okay
You were scared but you've done worse
The worst he can do is tell you he doesn't like you back and he hates you
So you looked at joe and Caspar smiled at you
You could see the stress on joes face and you didn't want to make him wait any longer
"I'm really sorry" you then blurted out
"I didn't mean to look like a moron and I didn't mean to climb out of your window, I was just scared about having to leave and never being able to see you again, I didn't know how to tell you I couldn't face it" you took a deep breath
"I really really like you but I'm worried you don't like me back because we always get taken for brother and sister or just friends or so we've told everyone and I don't know what to do" you could feel your heart starting to crumble as you started to cry Zoe pulling you into her as you pulled your hands up to you face
Zoe rubbed your back and shushed you trying to calm you down when Joe pulled you into him and he took hold of your chin and pulled your face up till your eyes met his
"I really love you y/n" he spoke softly
"Y you do?" You questioned in disbelief
He nodded
You could feel your body heating up and he lowered his face towards you and planted a small kiss against your lips
"I love you too" you almost screamed at him
He laughed softly against you
You looked at eachother for a moment until he gestured towards the stairs
"Cuddle?" He quickly questioned
You nodded
He picked you up and carried you upstairs where you got in bed together and laid holding one and other looking into each others eyes until you felt yours get heavy
"Don't fight it love, I'm right here" joe whispered
Pulling you into his chest and playing with your hair as he kissed your forehead softly
You had never ever felt this happy before, at least all hope was not lost after all

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