The dreaded phone call

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You spoke shyly into the phone as you hit the speaker button
"Hello love, I didn't wake you up did I?"
"No no I'm awake"
"Joe why are you ringing me when I'm just upstairs?"
You questioned a small anxious laugh slipping out of your mouth
"You're not upstairs tho are you love?"
He knew you weren't there
You started to panic
"Y/n hello are you still there?"
Joe questioned worriedly
"Yeah sorry it's just I just"
"Where are you? Are you safe?"
"Yeah I'm safe"
"Caspar went up to use the toilet and saw you'd gone, and he said the window was wide open, did you climb out of the window y/n?"
Joe questioned you
"Yeah Joe I did and I'm sorry"
"If you didn't want to be here you just had to say! You didn't have to lie"
But you weren't lying you did want to be there you just didn't know how to come to terms with telling them you had to leave
"Look Joe I'm just going through some stuff, it's not your fault but I just needed some time to think okay?"
"I've told you that you can tell me anything and now you're hiding things from me y/n do you even trust me? Is this just a game to you?"
"No no no joe it's not I do trust you I'm it's just I didn't mean it I just panicked"
"No it's okay I get it y/n you don't want to be here anymore and don't trust either of us and that's fine just wish you'd of told us sooner. I'll let you go so you can have your space to think"
And he hung up
Before you could say anything else he hung up on you
You could feel the anger and the sadness starting to sit on your chest
Enough to make you sick
The tightening of your chest and the pounding migraine you could feel coming on from stress
The tears started to flow down your face as you tried to steady your breathing
Had you just lost Joe?
Did he hate you?
He's never gonna let you move in now
Caspar will be gutted
You were gutted
Your mind filled with nothing but negative thoughts and your body feeling a lot of mixed emotions
You didn't know if you wanted cry or scream or stop or shout or if you just wanted to lay there silent
You didn't know if you wanted to get on that plane or if you wanted it to run you over
You wanted the ground to swallow you up whole
That's when your phone buzzed
A text from Caspar
"Y/n I don't know why you climbed out of the window, I also don't know what you've said to Joe but he's gutted man, did you really want to be away from us that much? He was just talking to his sister and about us going to meet her this weekend as well and now he's on the phone crying to her! I don't know what it is you're going through but this is not the answer! I wish you'd of just been honest with us and not broke his heart poor guy! I hope you're happy with yourself"
You felt physically sick
That sick that you bounced your phone off the wall hearing it smash
Nice one y/n what a good idea that was
You picked up your phone that was now damaged and dangerous to use, sharp glass everywhere
You even sliced your finger
But you just shrugged it off
You had to get out of going home but how
You knew you'd probably never be allowed in joe and caspars ever again but your shoes were there so they'd have to give them to you right?
You called your mam
Not once
Not twice
But three times
All three times it went to voicemail
You hoped and preyed she'd ring you back
You sat and watched your phone
Waiting for her to call
But she never did
You sighed
You pulled on another pair of your shoes and decided to get some air
It was getting late and the sun was going down but if you stayed in any longer you'd of gone off the rails
You left your phone on charge
You didn't need it anyways it was broken now
You locked your door behind you as you left walking down the couple of flights of stairs
You got to the bottom and there was a couple of people at the door waiting to be buzzed in
You stared at eachother
"Hello, open the door please lass"
You ignored them
"Hello? I know you're not deaf? Open the door then"
You continued to just stand there absolutely shitting yourself thinking you were going to die and that's when one of the guys brayed on the window
"Open this god damn door right now are you listening?"
You slowly walked towards the door and extended your arm out, you placed your hand firmly on the handle and slowly reached out to unlock the door your hand and body shaking
You slowly started to turn the lock until you heard the click
You slowly pulled the door towards you and were met with 6 lads none of which you've encountered before
They looked at you
You looked at them and you took a run past them
You ran that fast you thought you were going to pass out
You hopped the fence into the park and found a bench out of the way
You sat down and took deep breaths
You eyes welling up like you could flood a room with your tears
You sat there for a while not knowing who those boys were and why they were so aggressive towards you when you could hear quiet talking
"Isn't that the lass that joe was going on about"
"The lass that climbed out of his window to get away from him"
Oh shit
They knew you
But you didn't know them
And that's obviously why they were braying on the door
Not because they wanted to be in
Because they were after you...

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