Its a trap!

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You'd been sat on the rooftop for hours
You hand was burning from the germs that had gotten into your cut when you smashed your phone
You felt like it was infected as it was itchy
You'd been sat thinking about everything that had happened recently and you didn't know what to do
You'd watched the sunrise
You didn't know the time
You'd definitely started to hear things
You were also seeing things
Your head was racing with thoughts and you sat there in disbelief of what you'd actually gone through today
You climbed out of a window, smashed your phone, ended up in the middle of the lake in the park on a boat and had to face one of your biggest fears all while falling out with Joe and Caspar
Your head was hurting and you felt sick
Your body was cold and your nose was running
You were still damp from the water of the lake
That's when you could hear talking
You crawled towards the ledge and slowly looked over it to see two people at the bottom near the broken window
They looked like joe and Caspar
They sounded like joe and Caspar
But we're they joe and Caspar?
You continued to watch them both and listen to them both talking
You were hallucinating
Your hand was infected
There was in reality nobody there
You pulled yourself forward a bit more so you could get more of a clear view
The more you looked at them the more you convinced yourself
You we're debating shouting too them but in the back of your mind you knew they weren't happy with you
You only get one life
Should you have shouted them
You watched them walk away and you were alone again with your thoughts
Then you heard your name
You rolled over and saw a figure stood by the door of the rooftop
You looked at eachother for a moment
"Hello? Is someone there"
You questioned yourself
"Hi y/n you're very smart aren't you, do you remember me?"
He questioned
You shook your head
"I'm sorry I don't think we've met before"
You were so confused
"Did you not see Joe and Caspar a second ago?"
"What" you choked
"Yeah they were down there"
He pointed over the edge to where you thought Joe and Caspar were stood
"Shut up no they weren't"
You were still in disbelief
"Y/n I'm being honest they were"
You looked at this figure but still couldn't work out who it was
Your heart race picked up and you started to panic
"That's a nice cut you've got on your hand there, and your knees"
You hadn't even noticed your knees bleeding up until now
"That's why they hurt"
"Did you not know you were hurt?"
You shook your head
"I can take care of you if you come with me"
You laid still
You didn't know what to do
"Tell me your name"
You pleaded
"My name?"
You nodded
"If I tell you my name, will you come with me and not try and fight me? I just want to help you"
You thought about it but you needed help
You nodded
You chocked an "I promise"
"My names Michael, Mikey for short"
You knew that name and it rang a bell to you but you were completely out of sorts
"Oh sorry mikey are you the guy who asked me about my shoe size"
"Yeah that's me! Im sorry about all this y/n I really am"
"Wait how do you know my name?"
You chocked
"I've been speaking to joe and Caspar that's why I want to help you"
Mikey seemed genuine and he claimed to have spoke to Joe and Caspar but you just didn't trust it
"How can I trust you?"
You scolded
"You just have too! I just want to help you! Please y/n"
"I'm going to be honest with you here mikey, I'm supposed to be on a plane this afternoon going home, look at the state of me"
Mikey slowly extended his arm towards you
"I want to help you! Please just trust me"
You had 1001 questions like how he knew you were there and if he'd actually been talking to Joe and Caspar but right now you could hardly think straight you couldn't see and you kept hallucinating
"Mikey can you do me a favour"
You question
"What's that?"
"Can you please try and get my mam to see some sense and let me stay here! I'll give you her number right now then I'll deal with Joe and Caspar later! I just don't wanna leave"
You started to choke on your words as you started to sob
"Give me her number"
You looked at Mikey and he slowly lowered himself to your level
"Ready when you are y/n"
Think hard you had to try and remember her number now and you weren't in the best way but if it was going to be anyone that's going to help you it's mikey
"07890 123456"
"It's ringing"
And you heard her answer
"Hello, who's this?"
"Hi is this y/n's mam?"
"Oh my god yes yes it is is she okay is she with you? I've been texting her and calling her all morning and I just need to know she's okay?"
Mikey looked at you from your head to your toes you were numb he could see your pain and the best of it was he was honest
"My names Mikey"
"I'm with y/n and she's not doing good at all, she tried to hurt herself but I stopped her, she doesn't want to leave, she's fondly in love with my best friend and she wants nothing more for you to trust her and let her stay! She's been absolutely devastated since you first told her she was coming home and I know it seems a lot right now but we need her here"
The phone line went silent
You thought for a second she'd hung up and there was no hope
Until you heard her crying
"Tell my baby I'm sorry, tell her I've changed my mind and I was so hard on her and she can stay! Tell her I love her" your mam sobbed down the phone and now you felt awful
"Mam" you chocked
"Hi baby, baby I'm sorry" she coughed in between sobs
"I love you too" you sobbed
"Just be safe, I've cancelled your flight now go and be happy! Keep in touch with me okay"
"You know I will! I love you"
"I love you more y/n I really do"
And you hung up
"Mikey you did it"
He smiled at you
"I did but that's not the worst part"
He started to trail off
"What do you mean that's not the worst part"
You knew that or you thought what you'd just done was the worst part
You choked
"I lied"
"You what"
"Y/n I'm sorry! I was sent to get you to take you to Zoe and Alfie's I didn't know what you were going through but they've got really bad things in place for you"
You felt betrayed
"Why would you do this to me! So you haven't spoke to Joe and Caspar?"
You eyes started to fill but at least you could stay now
Mikey shook his head
"I'm so so sorry"
That's when we heard talking coming from under us
"Mikey? Is she with you?" Marcus choked
You looked at mikey and he looked at you
"Shit" he mumbled
You couldn't believe what was happening
You'd been set up and double crossed and you were wounded so you couldn't fight
Your knees pouring with blood
Constantly hallucinating
Your hand infected
Your vision blurring on and off
"You two timing little bastard mikey"
He looked at you for forgiveness but it was too late now
"I can't believe you'd do this"
"I'm sorry y/n I really didn't mean it"
He pleaded
"MIKEY" josh screamed
Mikey stood up
"Yes I'm here what?"
Mikey looked over the edge of the building
"If she's with you we're either coming up or you bring her down your choice" Alfie choked
You both looked at eachother
"She is with you isn't she" jack shouted
Mikey took a step towards the edge
"Can everyone hear me?"
Mikey questioned
I couldn't really see but there must of been a lot of nodding because hardly anyone replied
"She's really hurt you know like proper and if you hurt her anymore she might actually die"
Josh choked
Mikey shook his head
"I'm being serious! If I bring her down any of you touch her and I'll tell Joe"
"You wouldn't dare mikey" Alfie hissed
"Watch me" he replied back
You rolled onto your stomach and put your hand underneath you to slowly push yourself up and bring yourself to your feet you looked at mikey and he looked at you
You took a couple steps towards his so you were now level with him
"Aww look she's come to try and comfort you Mikey" josh teased
You looked at mikey and he looked at you
At least now you didn't have a flight to worry about
You took another step towards the edge and Mikey grabbed your arm
"Y/n what're you doing are you insane?!"
You look at Mikey and pulled you arm out of his grip
"She's not gonna jump is she" Alfie questioned
You looked out past the group that was stood beneath you and you looked out into the park where you could see the lake and the little boat you were sat on previously you had nothing to loose if you'd already lost Joe
You took another step forward and that's when your life flashed before your eyes
You felt the rock start to crumble under your feet
"Mikey don't let her jump man" jack choked
You looked down you looked back up you looked at mikey and that's when mikey took hold of you and jumped back just before the front of the building crumbled
You almost got yourself killed but you we're grateful Mikey was up there with you
He picked you up and zipped your hands together
"You can't go doing stuff like that y/n I've said I'll help you but please don't be stupid" mikey pleaded
"Please tell me you're both okay" Alfie questioned
"I am, but she's not" mikey replied
Your hallucinations had got worse and you were seeing and hearing a lot more things now
You started coughing
You could hardly see
You could hardly speak
You felt numb
Your body ached
"Mikey" you spoke softly
"Yeah" he replied
"I really don't feel well"
Mikey looked very concerned for you at this point
"Are you hurt? More then I can already see? What's wrong?" He choked in a state of panic
"I I I I can't breathe properly and and and"
Your eyes started to drift inwords and you blacked out
You don't remember much after that but you hoped this was all just a nightmare and you'd wake up soon

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