5. You'd screw your own sister for a slice of cake!

Start from the beginning

"Dude you'd bang your own sister for a slice of cake!" Chi said shaking his head disapprovingly. Jack frowned at the Chinese boy as if he was crazy.

"I don't even like Cake."

"That's even worse!" Chi exclaimed.

"I love the fact that you didn't deny you'd bang your sister," Clarice smirked. Kris couldn't hold it back any longer, she burst out laughing. These guys went together like bread and butter but on the outside they were as different as chalk and cheese. The entire table went quiet and stared at her as if she were the crazy one, it wasn't like they were just arguing about cake and banging there siblings.

"Why's she laughing?" Chi said looking at Kris if she had grown another head. Adam shrugged and looked at her the exact same way Chi was. Too them this was there normal way of communicating. The only other people Kris had seen conversation like this was Grace and herself.

"Is she ill?" Annabelle asked in a quiet voice but loud enough for Kris to over hear.

"No," Kris giggled. "I just haven't heard people talk like you guys do in quite a while."

"What's wrong with how we talk Sugar Tits?" Jack asked causing Kris to shudder.

"Dude, don't call me that and nothing don't worry about it." Kris crossed her arms. "Are you gay?" she asked him. Jack smiled and raised a single eyebrow.

"Well look at you coming out with it just like that, most people tip toe round the subject for ages before they build up the nerve to even ask."

"Well as you can see I'm not like most people," Kris sent him a flirty smile which he instantly reciprocated. "Well?"

"Jackie boy here is bisexual," Chi interrupted. "He likes tits and dicks and can never decide which team he's swinging for." Everyone's eyes seemed to be intently focused on Kris at that moment.

"Well at least that leaves you with a lot of options," Kris turned to the rest of the table. "What about the rest of you?" she took another bite of her apple. Everyone was staring at the new girl with wide eyes and open mouths. Kris gave them a what you staring at face.

"You're ok with it?" Clarice asked in a small voice.

"Well duh...," Kris said slowly as if she had just asked the most stupid question in the world. When everyone continued to stare at her she realized there was more to this bisexual thing than she thought. She worked her brain trying to thin back to all those American Teen movies her and Grace watched to see if she was missing anything but she couldn't think of anything.

"People aren't usually ok with it," Jack whispered as he looked down at his plate of chips, um I mean fries that at were slowly growing cold. Kris frowned at the boy in front of her, he wasn't being the flirty and joke-about boy any more and it saddened her.

"Why?" she asked confused.

"Take a look around," Annabelle snapped and she did. She noticed that everyone was in there segregated groups, how there was no in-between. She hadn't realized how awfully correct the movies she had been watching were until she saw it right there in front of her inside the school cafeteria.

"You hang around with me, you might as well say good bye to popularity. Its like an unspoken rule."

She shook her head in disgust and then looked back at Jack who continued to look solemnly down at his fries. She wasn't thinking when she did it, all she knew was that it was her job to make things better, to stand up for people. She was never allowed to be not ok.

Kris grabbed the scruff of the boys pink top and pulled him towards her before landing and kiss on his lips. She felt him tense up for a moment before he started to kiss her back. The feeling started to cling to her chest again and she felt sick, she couldn't do it any longer and broke apart from him.

The entire cafeteria was silent and all pairs of eyes were on the new girl and the wide eyed boy sitting in front of her dressed in hello kitty. "Lucky for you," Kris smirked. "I don't follow the rules."

She stood up and snatched up her bag and water before turning and strutting towards the cafeteria doors. Every pair of eyes were on her at that moment in time. It was the exact moment Grace decided to show up. She walking beside her directly in step.

"Don't look at them Pickle," she took a hold of Kris's hand. "Don't let them know that you're scared. Don't let them know that you care." Grace was feeding Kris her own advice, the exact advice Kris gave her and many other kids like her. Kris helps everyone and never gets anything back nor does she expect it.

Finally she pushed through the double doors and let out the deep breath that she had been concealing the entire time. Kris rubbed her hand over her lips quickly and closed her eyes, that was the second boy that she had kissed today.

"You seem to like messing people around," Darren whispered causing Kris to jump and the image of Grace disappear. Putting on the mask that she always wore she looked over at Darren and nearly started to swoon at the sight of him. That funny feeling was back as well.

"What are you talking about?" Kris snapped at him but before he could give her an answer she turned on her heel and started to walk away. She didn't need this now, not from him.

"I'm talking about you going around kissing everyone like a little slut, trust me we have enough people like that in our school we don't need another one." Kris stopped and Darren walked into her back knocking her onto her knees, she hadn't realized he was following her. She winced at the pain that rattled up her legs.

"Fuck you, you bastard," she spat out through gritted teeth. Kris then got up off the floor and her knees gave out from beneath her. She was falling back to the ground when two pairs of strong arms rapped themselves around her torso and pulled her against a tight toned chest keeping her upright.

"Careful Kitty," Darren whispered in her ear. A startled sob echoed through Kris's frame. She pushed away from him and stumbled forward slightly, her knees still playing up.

"Don't call me that," Kris mumbled and started to walk away from him.

"Where do you think you're going?" Darren demanded. "You need to go to the nurses office." He grabbed onto her forearm and span her around to face him. He did it so forcefully that Kris fell into his chest. His arms wrapped around her once again, pressing her tightly against him. Kris gasped and her hands pressed against his stomach. She felt his muscles move and her cheeks began to heat up, they were now tainted a soft pink.

"You actually have a nurses office? I thought they made that up for the films- movies," Kris mumbled with a small frown on her face. Darren's eyes were locked on the girl in front of him.

"Yeah, we actually have a nurses office...," he said slowly.

"Great, looks like I wont be seeing it today," Kris pushed out of his arms and made a beeline for her next lesson. There had already been too much drama for one day and she didn't need any more added by Mr bad boy Darren who doesn't know the meaning of personal space.

Before Kris knew what was happening she was chucked up into the air. A startled girly squeal left her lips before she could stop it. She saw Adam, Jack and Annabelle out of the corner of her eye with shocked looks on there faces until her vision was blurred with grey. It was the same colour as Darren's shirt.

"You, kitty, are going to the nurses office," Darren's gruff voice said sternly.

"Why do you care about my bloody knees!?"

"Who ever said I did?"

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