2. I don't know, I don't care and it don't make any difference

Start from the beginning

Quickly drying herself off Kris put on a matching set of turquoise bra and knickers and threw her clothes over it. Looking down at herself she finally took notice of what she was wearing, a plain white vest top that showed off one of her bra straps and ripped skinny jeans that had an army print on them.

Kris hummed to herself thoughtfully and walked out of her bedroom and into her dads which was right next door to her own. Franks room looked similar to hers apart from the fact that his walls were a pale blue colour and he had already unpacked most of his belongings. Kris cast her eyes around his bedroom taking everything until she saw what she was looking for. Franks slim black tie was thrown on his bed along with a load of other ties that she tended to borrow from time to time.

Getting what she came for Kris headed back into her room sliding on an oversized denim jacket that covered her arms and went down stairs where she knew her dad would be with breakfast already made and the television turned on with some sort of cartoon that they would both end up watching until either one of them had to leave.

Kris stepped into the kitchen to see Frank hunched over the oven, the sounds of something sizzling filled her ears and her mouth began to water. This was not good. Her dad was an excellent chef and could defiantly pursue it as a career but he preferred his simple life as a mechanic, hence the blue overalls that he was wearing at the moment. I shouldn’t eat, she thought to herself. But he would have wanted her too.

Shifting her arse over to one of the stools surrounding the island she plonked her butt down and waited patiently, watching as her dad doing his best to not burn the bacon and poor a pint glass full to the brim with orange juice.

When he turned his eyes widened slightly but soon a soft smile graced his features as he placed a plate in front of Kris and slapped down a few rashes of crispy bacon, just the way she liked it and a slice of toast then place the pint of orange juice next to it all.

“Nice outfit,” Frank nodded towards her. “Now why does that tie look familiar?” he asked just as Kris took a massive bite of her bacon but made sure to chew it thoroughly. Kris tried her best to look cute and confused but it was rather difficult due to the fact that her mouth was full as well as having a mischievous glint in her pale blue eyes.

“Who knows?” Kris shrugged playfully and gulped down her orange juice.

“Don’t play coy kiddo,” he smirked ruffling her hair causing Kris to let out an agitated huff. “Now move your arse before you’re late.”

“Yes, Sir!” Kris mock saluted and ran upstairs to her room. Putting on her red converse and making sure to tuck in the small pendant she never took off, now all she had to do was snatch up her bag and keys and she was off. Kris was about to walk out of the room whe. she stopped and glared down at her tummy. Just one bathroom break, she thought and walked into the bathroom before bolting the door and turning the tap on fully. Odd sounds escaped the closed door before Kris stepped out.

She stopped by her skateboard which had rolled over by the window seat and debated taking it or not, after about a minute she grabbed it and tucked it under her arm as she bounced down the stairs, jumping the last two.

“Bye General!” Kris called through the house, her tone mocking.

“Bye Soldier!” Frank called back from somewhere within the house. Kris walked out of the house shutting the bright orange door with the number 36 tightly behind her, she let the smile slip off her face. No use pretending she was okay when there was no audience to watch her performance. It was her first day, at new school, in the middle of a school year, on a new continent with a shit load of new people. Then to top it off, she was completely on her own with no Grace for back up.

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