Getting sick

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You started work only a month ago and you'd caught the common cold from one of your coworkers. You were sitting at home in bed as Ashton took care of you. You had your shirt off of your bump but still on, while Ashton was rubbing it. You coughed quite violently and your cheeks puffed out, to the sensation of wanting to vomit. Ashton, with his quick reflexes grabbed the bin and held it infront of you as you emptied your insides. You were shaking as you vomited, with being pregnant, it made the vomiting quite worse since your hypersensitive nose was right in the middle of the puke bin.
"I was really hoping that I wouldn't have to go through that a second time." You joked as you finished and laid back down on the multiple pillows that you insisted Ashton on getting you, even though Ashton had said to just get the pregnancy pillow, you still wanted multiple pillows since you didn't want one big one.
"Same here mama. I hate seeing you sick. I really hope that this doesn't effect the babies growth." He came back with some water for you to drink.
"Me too. And it sucks even more since I can't take any medication to get this nasty cold away." You sneezed and peed yourself. "Can I have a bath?"
The two of you laughed as Ashton drew you a bath to get you cleaned up as he washed the pee soaked bed sheets. While in the water, you had a really strong Braxton Hix contraction. You pressed your legs together as you yelled and grabbed the edge of the bath. Ashton heard you and started running up the stairs. When he got there, he took your hands in his and reassured you.
"Would it help if I got into the water with you babe?" He asked.
All you could do was nod through the deep heavy breaths that you were taking. He got undressed and got into the tub with you. Right at that moment, another really strong Braxton Hix contraction hit you and you gripped onto Ashton's lended hand for support. He breathed with you, until the pain got to much to handle. You screamed out as the after started to turn a red colour indicating that you had started to bleed. You you saw the blood coloured water you started to cry and scream since the only thing on your mind was a miscarriage. Ashton quickly got out of the tub and got dressed into some comfterble clothing as he got you out of the tub and dressed you as well, even putting a pad in your underwear to collect the blood. The two of you rushed out to the car and drove to the hospital. At least every 5 minutes the shooting pain would cross your stomach and back. With every pain you got you pressed your legs together as you tried not to push.
"Hurry up Ash please, please just hurry up!" With the pain that you were in, he started going faster and ended up being pulled over by a cop for speeding.
The cop came to the door and Ashton rolled down his window. Just then a shooting pain had crossed you again and it was the worst pain so far that evening.
"Are you alright miss?" The cop asked totally ignoring Ashton.
You shook your head no as you were trying to breath but couldn't so you pushed.
"Sir does she need to go to the hospital?" The cop asked Ashton.
"Yeah we were just on our way there since she's having really bad pains really early in her pregnancy. She thinks that she's having a miscarriage." Ashton explained trying to stay calm.
"Alright we'll help you, just follow us, we're gonna have our lights on."
Ashton nodded as the cop returned to his car. Ashton followed the cop cop car to the hospital as the emergency button was pushed and you were rushed to an emergency room. You were quickly put on monitors with a staff member always present in your room to keep an eye on the triplets when the pains came along. The pains started to become breathable quite soon, the longer that you stayed at the hospital. Ashton held your hand the whole time, reassuring you that everything would be fine. Then your midwife came into the room as you got another pain. You breathed through it with Ashton as a stabbing pain was shot through your stomach as you clutched your bump and squeezing Ashton's hand as tight as you could. Your midwife pressed the emergency button as the excruciating pain seemed to get worse with every second.
"Just breath baby, you can do this Hun just keep breathing through it. Everything's gonna be ok." Ashton kept rubbing your hand as he kept reassuring you throught the pain that seemed like it would never end.
Multiple nurses came rushing in as the pain doubled. You were screaming at the top of your lungs as a burning sensation was brought between your legs. The staff rushed Ashton out as they started examining you and the babies to see where they were. The babies were still high up in your uterus, but they couldn't explain why you were having these pains and the burning sensation. They gave you water and snacks between pains as they started closing in again. You were sweating and shaking as your body tensed up. The staff offered and epidural and you nodded quickly as they got a doctor in to inject the epidural. Now multiple nurses and doctors were in the room monitoring you. Then your midwife let Ashton into the room. Since the pains were becoming less frequent, the midwife shooed the other staff away as she carefully monitored the vitals by herself.
"You two know what could've triggered this? You two were close to loosing the babies but, a miracle happened and they suddenly turned themselves around."
"Well I am currently sick right now, that's the only thing that I can think of that could potentially of triggered this." You rubbed your bump as one of the triplets kicked. "But when I started to got to work, I was starting to have really bad Braxton Hix contractions, I don't know what caused those ones though."
The midwife nodded and said. "Maybe stress.... Anything else happened that you think may have triggered it or anything unusual with the triplets activity lately?"
"Well we've both noticed that they haven't been kicking as much as they have for the past month. Sometimes they don't even kick at all no matter what we do." Ashton explained. "Y/N also has not been eating properly, she's not eating as much as she should be."
"Yeah, something happened one day where I wasn't as hungry as I usually am and that went on for about two weeks possibly maybe even three. Then after that I was eating 24/7 but small portions since I didn't feel hungry." You said as you rubbed your stomach.
"Alright I see. What's gonna happen is that I'm going to have you take bed rest for a couple of weeks, then you should go back to normal. If you don't feel hungry I want you to eat to make sure that the babies are getting enough nutrition in their diets as well as you. Mr. Irwin I want you to stay off of work for the time that your wife is on bed rest just incase if this happens again. Make sure to eat lots of fruit and vegetables, I would recommend staying away from junk food and fast food while you're on bed rest." You grunted since you were craving Arby's really bad. "For liquids, drink lots of water and lots of whole natural juices without any sugars or anything. I would recommend buying a juicer and juicing different fruits together, you can also do it with vegetables. If you have any concerns or if anything unusual happens with the activity with the triplets call right away and I'll go over to your house to check up on you, if I feel that it's going to possibly get worse I will bring you to the hospital. Any questions before I leave?"
"Uhhh yeah do I go home now or do I have to stay here for a while until I'm able to go to home?"
"You can leave now, I'll go get a wheel chair to roll you out in and let you keep it for the remainder of the pregnancy." She got up to go get a wheelchair.
You smiled at Ashton and he smiled back. The midwife came back with the the wheelchair and wheeled you out to the car. The midwife went inside while Ashton folded and out away the wheel chair and drove home.

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