Fighting about work

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Ashton had one of those days at work again where he couldn't get the right note or the right drumming sound that he wanted. He came through the door and threw everything in the ground as you came around the corner.
"Have a bad day?" You asked obviously knowing the answer.
"What do you think." His tone was harsh and unfriendly.
Then something hit you and you snapped. "Jesus Ashton you don't have to give me that tone. My work is more stressful than yours."
"You sure? Have you ever had someone tell you that somethings not the way that it should be even though it sounds good, but you have to do it over and over again! Huh has anyone told you that?!?!"
"Yeah they have Ashton! But you're not the damn boss at your place are you! You don't have to check every single damn detail before it shoots out into stores! And you don't have to go to work when you're almost 8 months pregnant with triplets!!!!" You knew Ashton hated when you pulled the pregnancy card during fights but you did anyway.
"I may not be 8 months pregnant with triplets but I have to bring in the money for the family or else nobody would be able to live!"
"Are you assuming that I'm not capable enough to support a family?!?!?!" At this point you felt disgusted..... how could Ashton say that.
"Anyway pick this up, I'm getting changed to go out with the guys." He walked passed you like he was full of himself, if your being honest, you've never seen him act like this.
You picked up his coat and hung it, while you put his shoes away. Tears started pouring out of your eyes. You were a little over the 8 month mark and Ashton was becoming distant with you. When he came down he got his shoes and coat on and walked out the door. When the door closed you immediately began crying in the kitchen. You got a glass of water and drank it. You drank multiple glasses of water to try and stop you from crying. When you stopped you went upstairs and the dogs followed you. They've been following you around recently, mostly because you're close to your due date. You don't remember falling asleep, but you do remember Ashton going over to your side of the bed and putting his hand on your bump and sniffling.
"I'm so damn sorry Y/N it's just that the producers are getting pretty strict on me since I haven't been in the studio as much as I should've been. I just really hope that you forgive me since I really want to be there for when the triplets are born. I really want to be the best father I can be, since my dad left, I'm just really scared and shaken up about all this since I keep saying to myself that I'm not gonna be a good enough father since I'm barley going to be there for them since I'm going to be on tour all the time. I really want a good connections with them since I didn't have one with my dad. So please Y/N can you forgive me?" He took his hands off your bump and the triples kicked.
You didn't hesitate to pull him in with a kiss. He didn't have alcohol in his breath, so did he really go to the bar?
"I forgive you Ash. I couldn't imagine my kids lives without their father in it. Trust me I'm getting pretty nervous about this as well." You breathed as a Braxton Hicks contraction hit. "This is gonna be the first time that we're gonna be parents. I don't expect you to be perfect, and we'll explain to them that you have to leave but you'll always be back. Then we can tell them when they get older and they understand."
You kissed him one last time. "Now babe get to bed, you've got a long day ahead of you tomorrow."
"Even if it's still 9 o'clock alright." He laughed and got out of his everyday clothing.
When he got into bed you asked him something. "Did you go to the bar or no?"
"No I didn't, I went over to Luke's house, I told him about the situation and he said that I should apologize since you are pregnant and going into the last stretch of it all. He also said that I should be there for you as much as I can, even when I'm on tour. He said that it's gonna be difficult at the start since he's also got a little one in the way...."
"Wait Sierra is pregnant?!?! Omg!!!!! I'm so excited!"
"Oh crap I wasn't suppose to say that.... you can't tell anyone since they want to keep the child out of the spot light for as long as they can, even if they both are music stars."
"Baby I promise. Now let's get to bed."
The two of you fell asleep in your arms praying on the arrival of the triplets.

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