Another Miscarrige?!

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You were fast asleep with Ashton in bed with you and it was about 2 in the morning when you woke up to use the toilet. When you pulled your underwear down you saw blood. It wasn't just a few droplets of blood it was like you were on your period. You then pulled up your pants, washed your hands, and then you walked over to Ashton and tried to wake him up.
"Ashton! Ash baby wake up!" You said worriedly.
You got an intense cramp and squeezed into the night stand beside you.
"ASHTON FLETCHER IWRIN!!!" You yelled. "Please get up somethings wrong."
Ashton shot up to see you crying.
"Babe what's wrong?!" He said getting out of bed.
"I - I just went to the bathroom and saw a lot of blood on my underwear. I don't want to have another one!" You cried.
"Let's go you the doctors. Go put a fresh pair on and put on a pad to collect the blood." He said nervously.
You changed your pants, got a new pair of underwear on and put on a pad.
The two of you quickly got into Ashton's car and drove down to the hospital. The midwife met you there and quickly took you into a room. She hooked you up to machines that would monitor the triplets and left the room. You both watched the monitor closesly. The vitals were at good levels but you were still worried that you might be having another miscarriage. You squeezed Ashton's hand and he kissed you forehead and reassured you that everything was going to be ok. Then the midwife came back into the room.
"Ok so Mrs. Irwin I have some good news and some bad news and some great news. Which do you want to hear first?"
"Bad news." You replied.
"So the bad news is that you're going to have to stay in the hospital for twenty four hours so that we can surveillance the triplets because you lost a quite a bit of blood. The good news is that you still have all three babies in there." She said.
"What about the great news? You said that there was some." Ashton said.
"The great news is that the triplets are extremely healthy and it looks like you're not going to be having a miscarriage this pregnancy!" She announced.
"Thank god." Ashton mumbled as he pecked your lips.
"So you both did excellent with this and being on top of things." The midwife said.
"Do you think we could have a little look at them?" You said.
"If it makes you more comfortable then yes." She replied.
She got the machine and put the gel onto your stomach. She moved the wand around and checked on the kids. "Ok so as you can see here." She pointed to one of the three. "Is the little girl and then the two boys. Are right here."
You looked at the three in amazement.
"So as you can probably see here, it's that the two boys are sharing a placenta together so they'll be identical while the girl is the fraternal one of the three." She said.
She checks on the babies for a little while longer and then you spent the next 24 hours at the hospital.

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